This project uses an Arduino Uno to read relative humidity from two sensors; one inside a glove and another outside the glove. Based on the difference of the two values, it runs a number of PC fans to move wetter air out of the gloves and drier air into the gloves.
- Check relative humidity (RH) at both sensors
- Start a running average (RA) of the difference between the two to correlate*
- If the correlated values differ by >= 3%, turn on fans for 30 minutes
- Recheck humidity.
Switch FANCONTINUOUS to use millis instead of delay(decided against FANCONTINUOUS) - Have fan-to-PVC pipe bracket printed 3D
Enable power-save for Arduino(June 1, 2017: removed power-saving code) -
Put LCD on PWM pin and power up/down as needed(removed LCD) - Utilize IfSerial
Power Arduino with PowerBoost 1000 Charger(used OKI-78SR with 12v wall plug) -
Have Arduino caseand pipe-supports printed 3D (test print proved the box would be prohibitively expensive. Pipe supports work great) - Complete box (
using old moo card boxUsed plastic box from Muji) - Final assembly of fan posts
- Add a momentary switch
for manual correlation(added a toggle switch + timer to manually run dryer) - Consider ways to re-correlate after a period of time (maybe after X cycles of fanoff?)
- Update schematics!!
*I am using two DHT11 humidity sensors and they tend to be roughly 2 percentage points off from one another, so I do a series of tests to see what the difference is between the two then apply that value to create a correlated value to compensate for the difference.