NeoVim configuration(for v0.8.3).
- Language auto-complete, like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Haskell, Elm, PureScript and Tsx, Jsx type file of the ReactJS.
- Auto-format on save for JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, Markdown, GraphQL, Tsx, Jsx type file.
- Syntax highlight for 140+ languages.
- Menu management in a fast && beautiful way.
- Show the git diff in the sign column.
- Navigate between different tabs in a fast way.
- Install iTerm2, OhMyZsh and powerlevel10k (Recommend tools).
- Install NeoVim.
- Install vim-plug, which is the Vim plugin manager.
- Git Clone
- Go to the home folder with command
cd ~/
. - Check the
folder. if not exist, create one. - Go to the
folder. Rungit clone [email protected]:OhCoder/neovim-config.git nvim
- Go to the home folder with command
- Install Plugin
- Run
command to open a NeoVim window. - Run command
under the window to install all the vim plugins.(more vim-plug reference, see the doc)
- Run
- Happy coding!
Welcome to feedback, :)