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2.18 Document Information Dictionary

OgreTransporter edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 1 revision

The PDF document information dictionary is displayed by the PDF reader in the description tab of the document properties. The information includes: Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Created date and time, Modified date and time, the Application that produced the file, the PDF Producer. Including document information in your application is done as follows:

PdfInfo Info = new PdfInfo(Document);
Info.Title("Article Example");
Info.Author("Uzi Granot Granotech Limited");
Info.Keywords("PDF, .NET, C#, Library, Document Creator");
Info.Subject("PDF File Writer C# Class Library (Version 1.15.0)");

When PdfInfo object is created, four additional fields are added to the dictionary. You can override all of them in your code.

// set creation and modify dates
DateTime LocalTime = DateTime.Now;

// set creator and producer
Info.Creator("PdfFileWriter C# Class Library Version " + PdfDocument.RevisionNumber);
Info.Producer("PdfFileWriter C# Class Library Version " + PdfDocument.RevisionNumber);
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