- API to send files, upload to aws s3 and return public url. For now, only sending images in base64 is supported.
- Install docker
- Install docker-compose
- Clone this project
- Run
cp .env.example .env
- Open file .env and set environments. USER_EMAIL, USER_PASSWORD, USER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, USER_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, USER_AWS_REGION and USER_AWS_BUCKET is a first user. Change to your data.
- Run
docker-compose build
- Run
docker-compose up
- Install go
- Clone this project
- Run
cp .env.example .env
- Open file .env and change environments, set your database credentials. USER_EMAIL, USER_PASSWORD, USER_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, USER_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, USER_AWS_REGION and USER_AWS_BUCKET is a first user. Change to your data.
- Run
go run main.go
After service is working, access swagger in http://localhost:8083/api/swagger/index.html#/users/post_login, click try it out, set your credentials defined in .env file and send request. Get the token, click into authorize button, write Bearer yourtokenhere
, save and use it to send images o create new users.
- Generate API docs
swag init --parseDependency --parseInternal
- Run tests
go test
- Add swag in path linus
export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH