ChaosWG-Manager is a living community planner.
It's a python3 WSGI app built with Flask, Peewee and Bootstrap.
Install requirements with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --user
or use a virtualenv.
Afterwards you should create a
file to overwrite the default secret keys of
For debugging/testing purposes simply execute python3
For production use a proper WSGI server like Apache + mod_wsgi, Gunicorn, uWSGI, ...
This is a configuration example for Apache with mod_wsgi. Edit user, group and paths, and put the following in a VirtualHost section.
WSGIDaemonProcess chaoswg user=<your_user> group=<your_group> threads=1 python-path=/srv/ChaosWG-Manager
WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/ChaosWG-Manager/chaoswg.wsgi
<Directory /srv/ChaosWG-Manager>
WSGIProcessGroup chaoswg
WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
Require all granted
For more information and other examples see: Flask Documentation
- use AJAX so we don't have to reload the whole page (single page with dynamic content)
- proper timezone support
- use jinja2 dictsort for tasks?
- delete task button
- optimize the users=User.get_all() on all templates (cache it or something).
- get task history from history table for each task and show in details (who did the task and when)
- y-axis left and right
- absence considerations