MEAN app for creating collections of authenticated ORCID iDs
- MongoDb Community Server
- NodeJS 6.9.0 or higher
- NPM 3 or higher
- Angular CLI 1.0 or higher
- Mailgun Private API Key
- Mailgun Public Validation Key
git clone [email protected]:ORCID/share-my-id.git
cd ~/git/share-my-id
npm install
<path to mongo installation directory>/mongod --dbpath <path to mongo data directory>
<path to mongo installation directory>/mongo
Paths vary depending on your OS and installation method - see MongoDB Manual for more info and alternate startup instructions.
use smid;
user: "smid_user",
pwd: "devpassword",
roles: ["readWrite"]
npm start
8. Open localhost http://localhost:8080/
npm start
builds Angular source files into the /dist directory once and starts the server; changes will not be rebuilt/reloaded. To rebuild/reload changes automatically:
Install nodemon
npm install -g nodemon
Start node server with nodemon
nodemon server.js
In separate tab/window, build the Angular project and watch for changes
ng build -w
This example is configured with default test credentials on the ORCID Sandbox. You can optionally supply your own sandbox credentials.
1. Register for sandbox credentials at
When registering include the redirect_uri 'https://localhost'
Example in bash:
export CLIENT_SECRET='35d8f715-9121-440c-ad34-b66cb8c4e884'
export ORCID_URL=''
export PORT_HTTP='8080'
export HOST='http://localhost:8080'
Example in bash:
export MAILGUN_PRIV_API_KEY='************************-********-********-'
export MAILGUN_PUB_API_KEY='pubkey-************************'
export MAILGUN_DOMAIN='********'