This repo contains several example applications demonstrating ORCID integration with javascript or Spring boot. They vary in aproach and complexity. es.
All that's required to see them in action are some ORCID API credentials.
For more information on ORCID and OpenID Connect see the ORCID OpenID connect documentation.
HTML/Javascript client side one-pager.
Sends you to ORCID to authenticate, then confirms your identity by checking the signature of the JWT id_token.
HTML/Javascript client side with popup. Client side only app that uses javascript and a popup to authenticate a user and populate a form
Spring boot Java implementation.
36 lines of code in a single file. What could be simpler!
Spring boot Java implementation.
Moves config to an external file, does a few clever things to extract more info from the login, like the user's name.
Spring boot Java implementation.
Moves some of the boot automagic into the actual code, enables fine grained configuration of security. Extracts the user info from the JWT instead of the userinfo endpoint
Spring boot Java implementation.
This server checks for a JWT access token and uses that to perform stateless auth.
- Choose a variation from above
- Modify to contain your API credentials
- mvn spring-boot:run, ./mvnw spring-boot:run or import it into eclipse/sts or your favourite IDE.
Note that all of the examples use implicit OAuth, and can therfore only request the openid/authenticate scope. To gather update permissions you must use the authorization_code response_type. When doing so, the id_token is made available via the token endpoint. See the ORCID OpenID connect documentation for more information.