ResInsight 2018.05
ResInsight 2018.05 is a major release with several new features
Main Features
- 2D Intersection Views
- Flattened intersections along wells and user defined poly lines can now be viewed in a separate window, making them easier to inspect.
- 3D Well Log Curves
- LAS-curves and well extraction curves can now be drawn inside the 3D View along the well path.
- Ensemble Curve Set plotting (Preview feature)
- Summary curve plotting of case ensembles is simplified
- Supports parameters.txt files describing realization paramenters as used in the ERT workflow
- Origin restart file support
- Automatically find the origin files of a restart run
- Options to import the summary data unified or as separate cases.
- Option to import the grid results as separate cases.
- Recursive multi file import dialog
- Allows finding files spread in a large file hierarchy
- Supports Grid cases, Summary Cases, Grid Case Groups and Summary Ensembles
- Completion Data Export
- Completely reorganized export dialog
- Support LGR's
- Visualization of Well Connection Factors
- Simulation wells CF's
- CF's from modeled completions and calculated by ResInsight
- Improved 3D Legend
- Optional background for improved readability
- Improved layout and use of screen area
- On/Off toggle
- Fracture related improvements
- None-Darcy flow options
- Support Asymmetric SteamPlan fractures
- Perforation length visualization
- Fracture On/Off toggle in view
- Fracture color interpolation On/Off
- Command File improvements
- Support for Fracture sensitivity studies
- Scaling of height, width and D-factor
- Support comment lines
- Launch command files from GUI
- Support for Fracture sensitivity studies
Geo-Mechanical Features
- Tensor arrow visualization
- Show principal values as scaled arrows with color and correct direction
- Import Element Property Tables
- A subset of the Abaqus input file format supported
- Visualize as a separate result (Cell Colors, Property Filtering)
- Mohr circle plot of selected cells
- Compaction calculation
- Improved performance on all calculations
- Improved feedback and recovery when running out of memory.
Other Improvements
- Color Result command in 3D View
- Selects the corresponding item in the Project tree
- Automatically hide irrelevant result inspection plots
- Improved menu organization
- Improved several icons
- Copy/ Paste of Intersections
- Avoid visualization of well paths way outside grid domain
Complete List of Enhancement-Issues Closed Since v2018.01.01
#51 Cell Results Legend background and text color
#112 Legned Definition on/off Tick-box
#113 Legend Definition Discrete Mapping give unproportional ranges
#1544 Fracture : Visualize perforation length on the fracture
#1752 Plot: Import multiple cases from sub-folders using filter
#1758 Export Completion Data for LGR-grids
#2150 Fractures: Display fracture along well in front of well intersection
#2151 Fracture: All fractures in view on/off control
#2152 Fracture: Fracture color interpolation as user option
#2316 Tensor Vectors: Create Object in Project tree Called "Tensor Results"
#2331 2D Intersection Views: Create project tree item and view window
#2332 2D Intersection View: Command to create view
#2333 2D Intersection View: Grid visualization
#2334 2D Intersection View: Visualization of main well
#2337 2D Intersection View: Length and depth axes along the view edge
#2344 Tensor Vectors: Vector visualization code
#2345 Tensor Vectors: Average Tensors on elements
#2347 Elm Props: Create new Result Position entry called Element
#2348 Elm Props: "Import Element Property Table" command
#2349 Elm Props: Create list of imported files in Geomech Case property panel
#2350 Elm Props: Create Reader of Element Property Tables
#2351 Elm Props: Visualization of imported element property tables as element color result
#2358 Fracture: Show StimPlan grid values in ResultInfo panel when clicking
#2359 Fracture: Adjust default parameters for ellipse fractures InProgress
#2360 Elm Props: Wire up reading of elm prop data into data structures
#2361 AppFwk : Add support for file path and vector of file paths in PdmField
#2369 Elm Props: Close selected files
#2370 Elm Props: Reload selected files
#2372 Elm props: Change modulus and ratio appearance
#2379 Summary cases import dialog Bug
#2383 Multi Case Import: Use the RicFileHierarchyDialog for .EGRID/.GRID files as well
#2384 Multi Case Import: Use RicFileHierarchyDialog as an alternative to Create Grid Case Group from files
#2388 Fracture: Support asymetric StimPlan fractures
#2389 Fracture: Read perforation length from StimPlan file and use as startingpoint
#2390 Intersections: Add Copy/Paste
#2391 Intersections: Context command: "Add to All Views in Case"
#2392 3D View Context command: "Color Result"
#2393 Reservoir Compaction derived Result
#2402 Fracture : Add support for multiple conductivity variants on file
#2412 2D Intersection View: Make the view into a real 2D experience
#2413 2D Intersection View: Add Text info
#2426 2D Intersection View: Add color legend
#2427 2D Intersection View: Support Cell selection as for the other views
#2428 Fracture: Reorganize Fracture Colors tree item
#2436 2D Intersection View: Show fault meshlines in different color and support "faults only"
#2437 2D Intersection View: Add fault labels
#2438 2D Intersection View: 3D Info Box items must follow settings in the main view
#2439 Ellipse fracture Template: Change default Permeability to 1e5
#2440 Export Completions: Add MD-in and MD-out to comments
#2449 2D intersection view. Show UTM intersection point too
#2455 Non-Darcy Flow : Add fields to fracture template
#2456 Non-Darcy Flow : Export the correction factors along with COMPDAT
#2457 2D Intersection View: Origo of the flattened intersection at well start
#2459 Tensor Vectors: Use lines to draw the vectors
#2460 Tensor Vectors: Use result as colormapping on the vectors
#2470 2D Intersection Views: Hide the item when no intersections are present
#2471 Fracture : Block selection of fracture if fracture template is selected in Project Tree
#2475 Fractures: Use filename as default name when importing a StimPlan fracture
#2478 2D Intersection View: Add top axis and make border opaque
#2481 2d Intersection View: Show wellpaths in full length when clipping in main view is off.
#2484 2D Intersection View: 3D Info text: Show only well name, well path name or intersection name
#2485 2D Intersection Views: Add "Show Polyline" option for polyline intersection views
#2490 Non-Darcy Flow : Add symbols after each field label
#2491 Non-Darcy Flow : Add option for user defined fracture width
#2492 Non-Darcy Flow : Ignore WPIMULT export setting if non-Darcy Flow is active
#2493 Batch Fracture Sensitivity Support: Assemble scale fators in group
#2494 Batch Fracture Sensitivity Support: Add height and width scale parameters
#2495 Batch Fracture Sensitivity Support: Add D factor scale factor
#2496 Tensor Vectors: Find better P1-2-3 colors
#2503 2D intersection View: Add Z-scale as info in the 3d info box
#2504 Non-Darcy Flow : Write Documentation
#2505 Batch Fracture Sensitivity Support: Add command file commands
#2507 Non-Darcy Flow : Add display of unit and handle field units
#2509 Fracture : Refactor how unit conversion is implemented
#2519 Mohr Circle: Create plot widget
#2521 Fishbones : Clamp MD ranges to max MD of well path
#2522 Mohr circle: Update plot on 3D view selection
#2523 Mohr Circle: Improve circle appearence
#2527 Mohr Circle: Add friction-cohesion line
#2531 Mohr Circle: Add Info text
#2533 Mohr Circle: Calculate Element FOS
#2537 Mohr circle: Support multi selection of cells
#2538 Mohr Circle: Support time stepping
#2540 Mohr circle: Improve scaling of window
#2544 Well CF Visualization: Add visualization on well paths
#2545 Well CF Visualization: Add object in project tree
#2546 Well CF Visualization: Add data access to virtual transmissibility values
#2547 Well CF Visualization: Add color legend in 3D view
#2551 Cell info plots: Hide when not applicable
#2552 2D intersection Views: Show well head and cell connection status along simulation wells
#2553 Well CF Visualization: Visualization of Simulation Well Connection factors
#2554 System : Create workflow for command files in regression tests
#2556 Origin Summary Cases: Investigate libecl functionality.
#2558 None Darcy Flow: Use prioritized list of stimplan width parameters when extracting
#2561 Fracture Templates: Refurbish unit convert command InProgress
#2564 Compaction. Use topmost cell layer with valid POR as default refernce layer
#2565 Compaction: Remove checkbox enabeling of Compaction. Bug
#2566 Compaction: Add tooltip to reference layer field.
#2568 Well Paths : Avoid visualization of wellpaths way outside grid domain
#2570 Mohr Circle: Documentation
#2571 Tensor Vector: Regression test
#2572 Tensor Vectors: Documentation
#2573 Eclipse Text File Import : Improve error message if required keyword is missing
#2576 Command File : Add support for comment lines
#2580 Export Completion Data: Command in File/Export menu
#2581 3D well log curves: Create 3D curve object on a well path
#2582 3D well log curves: Create add 3D well log extraction curve command
#2584 3D well log curves: Create a collection object to hold curves
#2585 3D well log curves: Create visualization for a curve
#2591 3D well log curves: Add grid along well path
#2592 3D well log curves: Visualize results
#2594 Compaction: User documentation
#2596 3D well log curve: Establish a coordinate system for curve normals
#2597 3D Well Log Curve: Add option to create LAS curve
#2598 3D Well Log Curve: Add option to create RFT curve
#2599 Tensor Vectors: Arrow length scale should follow legend setup
#2600 Well CF Visualization: Add picking on connection factor objects
#2601 Well CF Visualization: Support regeneration of viz on time step changes
#2603 Legend Background: Add option to toggle legend background on/off
#2605 2D Intersection Views: Show Perforation intervals along well paths
#2606 Legend background: Harmonize the widths when several legends are present.
#2613 Tensor Vectors: Should be default off, but have ST selected
#2619 Fracture Sensitivity Support: Add conductivity scale for Ellipse fractures
#2625 Completion Type Legend : Only show categories present in the model
#2626 Fracture Adjustments
#2628 3D well log curves: Scale curves by grid size
#2629 2D Intersection View: Use same code for wellpath visualization as in 3D View
#2633 3D well log curves: Clip plot when well path is clipped
#2635 3D well log curves: Give new curves different colors
#2642 Legend background: add more spacing around content
#2643 Legend background: change background color to be the same as the viewer background.
#2644 Origin Summary Cases: Create import dialog
#2645 Origin Summary Cases: Add support for reading restart file info
#2646 Origin Summary Cases: Add preference settings
#2647 Origin Summary Cases: Support restart files when importing EGRID files
#2649 Ensemble Curves: Implement ensamble parameters file reader
#2650 Ensemble Curves: Add parameters reader unit tests
#2651 Ensemble Curves: Read ensamble parameters when importing summary case
#2652 Ensemble Curves: Add classes for displaying ensamble curve sets
#2653 Ensemble Curves: Add command feature for adding new ensamble curve sets
#2654 Ensemble Curves: Display ensamble curves using single color
#2655 Ensamble Curves: Display ensamble curves using colors based on an ensamble parameter
#2657 Ensemble Curves: Add legend for ensemble parameter colors to plot
#2658 Ensemble Curves: Update plot editor to support ensemble curve sets
#2667 3D Well Log Curves: Command to Delete curve
#2668 3D Well Log Curves: Draw-Plane width control
#2669 3D Well Log Curves: Color control of singel color
#2671 3D Well Log Curves: Option to use a white solid color as Draw Plane Background
#2672 3D Well Log Curves: Max and min value control for each curve
#2673 3D Well Log Curves: Consolidate the Draw Plane position control
#2674 3D Well Log Curves: Show what the value axis direction is
#2676 3D Well Log Curves: Enable pick selection of the 3D Tracks and curves
#2677 3D Well Log Curves: Show the curve value when clicking the curve InProgress
#2684 Well CF Visualization: Option to turn off CF visualization on closed connections
#2685 Origin Summary Cases: Split preference in two parts
#2686 Origin 3D Cases: Add option to open Origin 3D cases as separate cases to the dialog
#2687 Ensemble Curves: "Import Ensemble" Command
#2688 Ensemble Curves: Assign a sensible default color
#2691 Ensemble Curves: Complete the vector selection options in the Property panel
#2692 Ensemble Curves: Add group selection mode to vector selection dialog InProgress
#2697 Export Completions : Support individual COMPDAT sections for each completion type
#2698 Export Completions : Reorganize user interface
#2700 CmdFile : Update export completion commands
#2703 3D Well Log Curves: Implement filled drawing style InProgress
#2704 2D Intersection Views: User Documentation
#2707 Origin 3D Cases: Add default option in preferences dialog
#2708 Well CF Visualization: User Documentation
#2709 Export of COMPDAT : Always export diameter
#2710 Origin Summary Case: Adjust labels in preferences
#2716 Mohr Circle Plot: Investigate calculation performance and improve if feasible
#2717 Compaction: Improve performance of calculation
#2719 Origin Summary Cases: Adjust labels in dialog
#2720 Origin Summary Cases: Cancel must abort the complete operation
#2721 Ensemble Curves: Needs light to dark color sets for legend and better default
#2724 Ensemble Curves: Mouse tracking on curves must show model name/Case Id
#2737 Command File Launcher : Add command for launching command file from UI
#2738 Documentation : Add CmdFile description of RicfExportSimWellFractureCompletions NeedsDoc
#2741 Documentation CmdFile : Update RicfExportWellPathCompletions NeedsDoc
#2743 Origin Summary Cases. Dialog adjustments
#2750 Summary cases: Add Import commands to summary cases tree node
#2760 Ensemble Curves: Show one curve legend NeedsInput
#2767 Documentation : Split Completions doc into separate pages
#2768 Recursive Import Dialog: Use search mode where * does not match path separator
#2771 Ensemble curves. Add context command 'Add curve set' to plot tree nodes
#2773 Export Completions : Update documentation and screenshot
#2775 Ensemble Curves: Add progress when reading summary cases
#2779 Ensemble Curves: Make Import Commands appear more organized in the menues
#2780 Ensemble Curve Sets: Introduce auto naming similar to summary curves
#2782 3D Well Log : Establish Auto Name for the curves
#2797 Ensemble Curves: Support text as parameter values
#2798 Dock Widgets : Improve menus and handling of tabbed dock widgets
#2802 Ensemble Curves: Improve Progress info when loading a lot of summary cases
#2803 Ensemble Cases Performance: Improve importing and loading cases
#2805 GeoMech : Show Element Type in Result info
#2806 Origin Summary Files: Dialog should have "OK to All " instead of "Apply settings to ...."
#2808 CF Visualization: New Icon in the project tree
#2809 Ensemble Curves: New Icons
#2811 Ensamble curve set. Set default ensemble when only one ensemble exists
#2813 Origin Summary Case: Final dialog adjustments
#2818 Summary: Add "Create Summary Plot" and "Create Cross plot" as commands on Summary Cases/groups/Ensembles
#2819 Ensemble Curves: Distinguish between Ensembles and ordinary Summary Case Groups
#2821 Export Completions: Use Split on Well And Completions as default
#2822 Legends: Move Axiscross to bottom right corner. Adjust the legend layout accordingly
#2830 Geomech: Improve performance on results calculations
#2838 Ensemble Curve Name : Auto name and legend adjustments
#2840 Ensemble Curve Sets: Copy/Paste of Curve Sets
#2849 Fishbones: Rename some Commands
#2853 Icons for Summary Case Group and Ensemble
#2856 Menus fixes
#2857 Observed Timehistory Group: Needs better Icons
#2858 Summary Cross Plot: Icons
#2861 Octave Scripts: Better Icons
#2862 Summary Plot: Inconsistent icon usage.
#2875 3D Well Log Curves: User documentation
#2877 Export Completions: Add more variants to well path completion export tests
#2881 Export Completions: Continue exporting other completions if one has a unit mismatch.
#2886 Ensembles: Command to "convert" Summary Case Group to Ensemble
#2887 3D Well Log Curves: Tidy up configuration
#2898 Ensemble curves. Add vector selection to curve set
#2908 Ensemble Curve Sets: Use legend icon for colorlegend-using icon in the normal curve legend
#2909 RFT Plot: Improve icon
#2910 Summary Groups: Set default group name to "Group"
#2933 Calculator : Auto fill address selection based on last entered address
Fixed Bugs Since v2018.01.01
#653 Instabilities when toggling linking on and off for version 1.5.0
#955 Improve handling of state for UI commands
#1742 Fractures: Allow multiple wells to be completed in same cell
#1777 Make access of data in RimStimPlanFractureTemplate robust
#1905 Perforation Intervals: Picking the well pipe does not work at perforations
#1907 Fractures: Ellipse fractures not exported for thin grid layers
#1908 Summary case: When opening a project, avoid opening of closed summary cases
#1909 RimSummaryCurveAppearanceCalculator assertion fails
#1968 Export Completion: Change order to follow well path
#2141 Fracture: Add view Legend for Ellipse-fracture
#2272 Refactor derived field m_anchorPosition in RimFracture
#2322 Fracture Colors. Wrong default value
#2353 Empty function caseName() shadows base class field with same signature
#2363 Crash when try to import Eclipse case wothout UNIFOUT, or with UNIFOUTS keyword
#2364 Fracture: Crash at Completion Export for fracture at start of well path
#2371 Fracture : Crash when import of StimPlan xml fails
#2400 ResInsight 2018-01-01 Keeps Crashing After Loading Model
#2401 Cell RelPerm plot missing vertical scaling with KRWR
#2403 Extraction Curves: Well paths starting inside a cell seems to get strange curves.
#2407 Crash when calculating Water Flooded PV
#2431 3D view: Wrong MD when clicking on well path
#2448 Summary Plot: User define Date range block update of plot for other items
#2450 Unable to Import EGrid
#2465 Property panel: Update UI fields from selected result on tree view object changed
#2466 Guard null pointer access of activeReservoirView
#2467 Unit Conversion: Wrong StimPlan geometry
#2560 CF Export: Must use correct unit of conductivity in transmissibility calculations
#2595 Crash when opening project with a well log LAS curve without connection to well path
#2683 Well CF Visualization: Sim Well pipe color should be gray for closed existing connections
#2690 Summary Plot: Inconsistent summary selection when in-active vectors
#2712 Export Completions : Add flag to control fractures for well path export
#2713 Export Completions : Add viewId to simulation well file command
#2744 Well Log Extractor : Well path completely inside one cell is not detected
#2756 PLT plot: Remove Pseudo Length as Depth type
#2765 Completions : Use max available diameter when combining multiple completions in same cell
#2792 Geomech: Crashes if the import fails (eg corrupt file)
#2816 Summary Curves: If empty autoname, use something
#2829 Geomech: Improve guarding and potential crashes due to lack of memory.
#2831 System : Writing a message to a hidden status bar causes reordering of views
#2854 UNRST and EGRID file matching confused by . in basename
#2859 Well Plots: Inconsistent Icon usage
#2872 IJK Slice Command: Does not work properly on LGR's
#2878 SOIL for solvent models.
#2880 Export Completions Command: make sure all completions are exported if they are listed in the names parameter
#2901 RFT Plot : Default plot shows all time steps, not filtered to match observed data
#2904 Curve creator: Curve visibility setting not working
#2919 Summary Plot Title : Always show "Composed Plot" for curve combinations
#2920 Settings for Property Tree and Property Editor visibility are not saved if main window is closed before plot window.
#2939 Progress Bar missing when loading on linux
#2940 Geomech: Flickering due to missing display translation of model