OpenVPN is a full-featured open source SSL VPN solution that accommodates a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, Wi-Fi security, and more. OpenVPN offers a cost-effective, lightweight alternative to other VPN technologies that is well-targeted for the SME and enterprise markets.
This appliance includes all the standard features in TurnKey Core, and on top of that:
OpenVPN configurations:
- Initialization hooks to configure common OpenVPN deployments such as server, gateway and client profiles.
- All profiles support SSL/TLS certificates for authentication and key exchange.
- Server and gateway deployments include a convenience script to add clients, generating all required keys and certificates, as well as a unified ovpn profile for clients to easily connect to the VPN.
- Expiring obfuscated HTTPS urls can be created for clients to download their profiles (especially useful with mobile devices using a QR code scanner).
- The server profile supports a private subnet configuration, enabling clients to reach servers behind the OpenVPN server.
- The gateway profile configures connecting clients to tunnel all their traffic through the VPN.
- When adding clients in a server or gateway deployment, an optional parameter can be given to enable computers on a subnet behind the client to connect to the VPN.
- For added security, OpenVPN is configured to drops privilages, run in a chroot jail dedicated to CRL, and uses tls-auth for HMAC signature verification protecting againsts DoS attacks, port flooding, port scanning and buffer overflow vulnerabilities in the SSL/TLS implementation.
See the Usage documentation for further details, including Amazon VPC notes and cloudformation template.
- Webmin, SSH: username root