This program aims to help finding network opcodes for Final Fantasy XIV.
"GamePath": "path/to/ffxiv_dx11.exe",
"Signatures": [
"Signature": "Signature, e.g. 48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 (Support IDA/olly style)",
"Name": "Name",
"Offset": 0, // Integer, can be negative
"FunctionSize": 0, // The size of function, it can be set to INT_MAX, since the program will stop scanning once it detects 0xCC opcode
"ReadType": 0, // 0-None, 1-Uint8 2-Uint16 3-Uint32 4-Uint64
"ActionType": 0, // 0-None, 1-ReadThenCrossReference (Read offset first, then check DesiredValue (can be empty), then find the reference), 2-CrossReference, 3-Relative (FindCallFunction)
"ReferenceCount": null, // Can be null, pretty much how many times should the program find the reference calls
"JumpTableType": 0, // 0-None, 1-DirectJumpTable, 2-IndirectJumpTable, 3-SimpleSwitchCase
"DesiredValues": { // Can be null
"key, Integer": 0,
// ...
"SubInfo": [ // Used for scanning opcodes from the jumptables of this function, leave as null if JumpTableType is 0
// ...
- XutaxKamay for helping me understand how indirect jumptable works
- PostNamazu for SigScanning thingy