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Sylwester Zieliński committed Dec 21, 2023
1 parent cd49c3d commit c0749e7
Showing 1 changed file with 102 additions and 4 deletions.
106 changes: 102 additions & 4 deletions gradle/libs.versions.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
accompanist = "0.32.0"
androidDesugarJdkLibs = "2.0.4"
androidGradlePlugin = "8.2.0"
androidxActivity = "1.8.2"
androidxAnnotation = "1.7.1"
androidxAppCompat = "1.6.1"
androidxComposeBom = "2023.10.01" #
androidxComposeCompiler = "1.5.6" #
androidxComposeCompiler = "1.5.7" #
androidxComposeRuntimeTracing = "1.0.0-beta01"
androidxCore = "1.12.0"
androidxCoreSplashscreen = "1.0.1"
Expand All @@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ androidxLifecycle = "2.6.2"
androidxLocalbroadcastmanager = "1.1.0"
androidxMacroBenchmark = "1.2.2"
androidxNavigation = "2.7.6"
androidxMetrics = "1.0.0-alpha04"
androidxProfileinstaller = "1.3.1"
androidxStartup = "1.1.1"
androidxWindowManager = "1.2.0"
Expand All @@ -26,32 +28,66 @@ androidxTestRules = "1.5.0"
androidxTracing = "1.2.0"
androidxUiAutomator = "2.2.0"
androidxWork = "2.9.0"
coil = "2.5.0"
firebaseBom = "32.7.0"
hilt = "2.50"
hiltExt = "1.1.0"
jacoco = "0.8.7"
junit4 = "4.13.2"
kotlin = "1.9.21"
kotlinxCoroutines = "1.7.3"
kotlinxDatetime = "0.5.0"
kotlinxSerializationJson = "1.6.2"
ksp = "1.9.21-1.0.15"
ksp = "1.9.21-1.0.16"
lint = "31.2.0"
memfault-cloud = "2.0.5"
okhttp = "4.12.0"
protobuf = "3.25.1"
protobufPlugin = "0.9.4"
publishPlugin = "1.2.1"
markdown = "0.3.7"
retrofit = "2.9.0"
room = "2.6.1"
paging = "3.2.1"
secrets = "2.0.1"
turbine = "1.0.0"
markdown = "0.3.6"
wirePlugin = "4.9.3"
timber = "5.0.1"
chart = "v3.1.0"
leakcanary = "2.12"
mockk = "1.13.8"
slf4j = "2.0.9"
robolectric = "4.11.1"
skydovesBallon = "1.6.3"
moshiKotlin = "1.15.0"
moshiAdapters = "1.15.0"
moshiConverter = "2.9.0"
moshi = "1.15.0"
moshiKotlinCodegen = "1.15.0"
material3 = "1.2.0-beta01"
material = "1.6.0-beta03"

nordic-blek = "1.0.13"
nordic-ble = "2.7.2"
nordic-dfu = "2.4.1"
nordic-log = "2.3.0"
nordicPlugins = "1.9.13"
nordic-mcumgr = "1.9.0"
nordic-scanner = "1.6.0"
nordic-common = "1.9.3"
nordic-memfault = "1.0.2"
nordicPlugins = "1.11.0"
dokkaPlugin = "1.9.10"
googleServicesPlugins = "4.4.0"
firebaseCrashlyticsPlugins = "2.9.9"

accompanist-flowlayout = { group = "", name = "accompanist-flowlayout", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-swiperefresh = { group = "", name = "accompanist-swiperefresh", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-systemuicontroller = { group = "", name = "accompanist-systemuicontroller", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-pager = { group = "", name = "accompanist-pager", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-pagerindicators = { group = "", name = "accompanist-pager-indicators", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-placeholder = { group = "", name = "accompanist-placeholder-material", version.ref = "accompanist" }
accompanist-permissions = { group = "", name = "accompanist-permissions", version.ref = "accompanist" }
android-desugarJdkLibs = { group = "", name = "desugar_jdk_libs", version.ref = "androidDesugarJdkLibs" }
androidx-activity-compose = { group = "androidx.activity", name = "activity-compose", version.ref = "androidxActivity" }
androidx-annotation = { group = "androidx.annotation", name = "annotation", version.ref = "androidxAnnotation" }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,6 +125,8 @@ androidx-lifecycle-service = { group = "androidx.lifecycle", name = "lifecycle-s
androidx-lifecycle-viewModel-ktx = { group = "androidx.lifecycle", name = "lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx", version.ref = "androidxLifecycle" }
androidx-lifecycle-viewModel-compose = { group = "androidx.lifecycle", name = "lifecycle-viewmodel-compose", version.ref = "androidxLifecycle" }
androidx-lifecycle-viewModel-savedState = { group = "androidx.lifecycle", name = "lifecycle-viewmodel-savedstate", version.ref = "androidxLifecycle" }
androidx-localbroadcastmanager = { group = "androidx.localbroadcastmanager", name = "localbroadcastmanager", version.ref = "androidxLocalbroadcastmanager" }
androidx-metrics = { group = "androidx.metrics", name = "metrics-performance", version.ref = "androidxMetrics" }
androidx-navigation-compose = { group = "androidx.navigation", name = "navigation-compose", version.ref = "androidxNavigation" }
androidx-navigation-testing = { group = "androidx.navigation", name = "navigation-testing", version.ref = "androidxNavigation" }
androidx-profileinstaller = { group = "androidx.profileinstaller", name = "profileinstaller", version.ref = "androidxProfileinstaller" }
Expand All @@ -103,6 +141,9 @@ androidx-test-uiautomator = { group = "androidx.test.uiautomator", name = "uiaut
androidx-tracing-ktx = {group = "androidx.tracing", name="tracing-ktx", version.ref = "androidxTracing" }
androidx-work-ktx = { group = "", name = "work-runtime-ktx", version.ref = "androidxWork" }
androidx-work-testing = { group = "", name = "work-testing", version.ref = "androidxWork" }
coil-kt = { group = "io.coil-kt", name = "coil", version.ref = "coil"}
coil-kt-compose = { group = "io.coil-kt", name = "coil-compose", version.ref = "coil"}
coil-kt-svg = { group = "io.coil-kt", name = "coil-svg", version.ref = "coil"}
firebase-bom = { group = "", name = "firebase-bom", version.ref = "firebaseBom"}
firebase-analytics = { group = "", name = "firebase-analytics-ktx" }
firebase-database = { group = "", name = "firebase-database-ktx" }
Expand All @@ -121,15 +162,69 @@ kotlinx-coroutines-test = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", name = "kotlinx-cor
kotlinx-datetime = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", name = "kotlinx-datetime", version.ref = "kotlinxDatetime" }
kotlinx-serialization-json = { group = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx", name = "kotlinx-serialization-json", version.ref = "kotlinxSerializationJson" }
lint-api = { group = "", name = "lint-api", version.ref = "lint" }
okhttp-logging = { group = "com.squareup.okhttp3", name = "logging-interceptor", version.ref = "okhttp" }
protobuf-protoc = { group = "", name = "protoc", version.ref = "protobuf" }
protobuf-kotlin-lite = { group = "", name = "protobuf-kotlin-lite", version.ref = "protobuf" }
turbine = { group = "", name = "turbine", version.ref = "turbine" }
retrofit-core = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "retrofit", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-mock = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "retrofit-mock", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-gson = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-gson", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-moshi = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-moshi", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-protobuf = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-protobuf", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-wire = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-wire", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-simplexml = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-simplexml", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-scalars = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-scalars", version.ref = "retrofit" }
retrofit-converter-kotlin-serialization = { group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-kotlinx-serialization", version.ref = "retrofit" }
room-runtime = { group = "", name = "room-runtime", version.ref = "room" }
room-ktx = { group = "", name = "room-ktx", version.ref = "room" }
room-compiler = { group = "", name = "room-compiler", version.ref = "room" }
room-paging = { group = "", name = "room-paging", version.ref = "room" }
paging-runtime = { group = "androidx.paging", name = "paging-runtime", version.ref = "paging" }
paging-common = { group = "androidx.paging", name = "paging-common", version.ref = "paging" }
paging-compose = { group = "androidx.paging", name = "paging-compose", version.ref = "paging" }
markdown = { group = "com.github.jeziellago", name = "compose-markdown", version.ref = "markdown" }
memfault-cloud = { group = "", name = "cloud-android", version.ref = "memfault-cloud" }
timber = { group = "com.jakewharton.timber", name = "timber", version.ref = "timber" }
chart = { group = "com.github.PhilJay", name = "MPAndroidChart", version.ref = "chart" }
leakcanary = { group = "com.squareup.leakcanary", name = "leakcanary-android", version.ref = "leakcanary" }
test-slf4j-simple = { group = "org.slf4j", name = "slf4j-simple", version.ref = "slf4j" }
test-mockk = { group = "io.mockk", name = "mockk", version.ref = "mockk" }
test-robolectric = { group = "org.robolectric", name = "robolectric", version.ref = "robolectric" }
skydoves-ballon = {group = "com.github.skydoves", name = "balloon-compose", version.ref = "skydovesBallon"}
moshi-kotlin = {group = "com.squareup.moshi", name = "moshi-kotlin", version.ref = "moshiKotlin"}
moshi-adapters = {group = "com.squareup.moshi", name = "moshi-adapters", version.ref = "moshiAdapters"}
moshi-converter = {group = "com.squareup.retrofit2", name = "converter-moshi", version.ref = "moshiConverter"}
moshi = {group = "com.squareup.moshi", name = "moshi", version.ref = "moshi"}
moshi-kotlin-codegen = {group = "com.squareup.moshi", name = "moshi-kotlin-codegen", version.ref = "moshiKotlinCodegen"}

# Nordic
nordic-ble-ktx = { group = "", name = "ble-ktx", version.ref = "nordic-ble" }
nordic-ble-common = { group = "", name = "ble-common", version.ref = "nordic-ble" }
nordic-dfu = { group = "", name = "dfu", version.ref = "nordic-dfu" }
nordic-mcumgr-core = { group = "", name = "mcumgr-core", version.ref = "nordic-mcumgr" }
nordic-mcumgr-ble = { group = "", name = "mcumgr-ble", version.ref = "nordic-mcumgr" }
nordic-log = { group = "", name = "log", version.ref = "nordic-log" }
nordic-log-timber = { group = "", name = "log-timber", version.ref = "nordic-log" }
nordic-scanner = { group = "", name = "scanner", version.ref = "nordic-scanner" }
nordic-core = { group = "", name = "core", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-theme = { group = "", name = "theme", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-analytics = { group = "", name = "analytics", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-navigation = { group = "", name = "navigation", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-uilogger = { group = "", name = "uilogger", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-logger = { group = "", name = "logger", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-permissions-nfc = { group = "", name = "permissions-nfc", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-permissions-ble = { group = "", name = "permissions-ble", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-permissions-internet = { group = "", name = "permissions-internet", version.ref = "nordic-common" }
nordic-memfault = { group = "", name = "memfault", version.ref = "nordic-memfault" }

# BleK
nordic-blek-client = { group = "", name = "client", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }
nordic-blek-server = { group = "", name = "server", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }
nordic-blek-profile = { group = "", name = "profile", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }
nordic-blek-core = { group = "", name = "core", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }
nordic-blek-scanner = { group = "", name = "scanner", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }
nordic-blek-advertiser = { group = "", name = "advertiser", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }
nordic-blek-uiscanner = { group = "", name = "uiscanner", version.ref = "nordic-blek" }

# Dependencies of the included build-logic
android-gradlePlugin = { group = "", name = "gradle", version.ref = "androidGradlePlugin" }
Expand All @@ -155,6 +250,9 @@ kotlin-jvm = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm", version.ref = "kotlin" }
kotlin-kapt = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt", version.ref = "kotlin" }
kotlin-serialization = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization", version.ref = "kotlin" }
kotlin-parcelize = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.parcelize", version.ref = "kotlin" }
protobuf = { id = "", version.ref = "protobufPlugin" }
secrets = { id = "", version.ref = "secrets" }
publish = { id = "com.gradle.plugin-publish", version.ref = "publishPlugin" }
wire = { id = "com.squareup.wire", version.ref = "wirePlugin" }
google-services = { id = "", version.ref = "googleServicesPlugins" }
firebase-crashlytics = { id = "", version.ref = "firebaseCrashlyticsPlugins" }

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