This is the Rails tutorial basic blog app ported to use NoBrainer ORM for RethinkDB.
Note: this sample app is still under development.
In order to benefit of as much of the Rails-packaged goodies, we're using the NoBrainer ORM for RethinkDB.
Using NoBrainer instead of ActiveRecord is very easy:
class Post
include NoBrainer::Document
include NoBrainer::Document::Timestamps
# Defines the fields of the document visible to the application
field :author, :type => String, :required => true
field :title, :type => String, :required => true
field :content, :type => Text, :min_length => 5
# Defines a one-to-many relationship between +Post+ and +Comment+
has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy
See the two models defined by this sample app for more details: post.rb and comment.rb
You can check out the two controllers posts_controller.rb and comments_controller.rb to see how using the model methods translates into RethinkDB's ReQL queries.