This repos aimed to enable deep learning for the open source-robotic arm BCN3D-Moveo.
- Installation of ROS Noetic
- Installation of Gazebo
- Create a catkin workspace
- Clone this repository into the created workspace
git clone
- Build the project
- Source workspace
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
All launch files are placed in the moveo_moveit_config package. At the moment 3 different simulations for three different tasks exist, which can be launched by executing the commands provided below:
- Inverse Kinematic
roslaunch moveo_moveit_config ik_training.launch
- Push Task
roslaunch moveo_moveit_config push_training.launch
- Pick Task
roslaunch moveo_moveit_config pick_training.launch
To start the training the following command needs to be executed:
python src/moveo_training/scripts/ --root_dir=~/sac/gym/MovoePush-v0/ --alsologtostderr
The flag --root_dir specifies the placement of the directory, where all data of the training and evaluation is placed. By using tensorboard the training and evaluation metrics can be plotted.
tensorboard --logdir ~/sac/gym/MovoePush-v0/ --port 2223 &