Git deployment helpers for Capistrano v3.
Add this in your Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.1'
gem 'capistrano-gity', '~> 1.0.2'
Require in Capfile
to use gity as a wrapper of capistrano:deploy task:
require 'capistrano/gity'
The task gity:prepare_deploy
runs before deploy:starting
and creates a remote temp branch under remote/deploy/
Use the following to delete the temporary branch after successfull deployment,
i.e. after deploy:finished
set :auto_cleanup, true
You can also change the default temporary branch prefix, i.e. deploy/
set :branch_prefix, 'deploy/production/'
bundle exec cap production gity:help
bundle exec cap production gity:check
bundle exec cap production gity:uptip
bundle exec cap production gity:cleanup_temp_branches
Check the module for details :)
- Fork the project
- Make your feature addition or bug fix
- Create new Pull Request