if you have any questions or problems send me an e-mail
this tools purpose is to manage metadata of all data files in a given working directory
this includes managing a list of keywords and process descriptions
the test_dir folder is a directory to test out the tool and see if it fits your needs
if metadata already exists and you want to start using this tool i would suggest
- backup the existing metadata
- delete the metadata folders
- copy the excisting metadata manually inside the tool
- this insures that no metadata is lost and that the tool works properly
it needs a python 3 installation to work
for Linux use the following command to start it:
- for Windows use the following command or double click md_tool.bat
- it can also theoretically be run on all operating systems with:
python main.py
if python is the path to a python 3 exe.
- if you select a working directory without stored metadata it will initialize metadata files in seperate folders
test-dir/ test-dir/
├── t1 ├── metadata
│ ├── t2 │ ├── test2 (copy)-txt-metadata.txt
│ │ ├── t.csv │ ├── test2-txt-metadata.txt
│ │ ├── test2.txt │ ├── test (copy)-txt-metadata.txt
│ │ └── test.txt │ └── test-txt-metadata.txt
│ ├── test2 (copy).txt ├── t1
│ └── test2.txt │ ├── metadata
├── t2 ⟶ │ │ ├── test2 (copy)-txt-metadata.txt
│ ├── t.csv │ │ └── test2-txt-metadata.txt
│ ├── test2.txt │ ├── t2
│ └── test.txt │ │ ├── metadata
├── test2 (copy).txt │ │ │ ├── t-csv-metadata.txt
├── test2.txt │ │ │ ├── test2-txt-metadata.txt
├── test (copy).txt │ │ │ └── test-txt-metadata.txt
└── test.txt │ │ ├── t.csv
│ │ ├── test2.txt
│ │ └── test.txt
│ ├── test2 (copy).txt
│ └── test2.txt
├── t2
│ ├── metadata
│ │ ├── t-csv-metadata.txt
│ │ ├── test2-txt-metadata.txt
│ │ └── test-txt-metadata.txt
│ ├── t.csv
│ ├── test2.txt
│ └── test.txt
├── test2 (copy).txt
├── test2.txt
├── test (copy).txt
└── test.txt
- the metadata files follow a specific scheme:
path to data file: /path/to/the/data/file.ext
metadata keyword:: metadata information
- the separator between the keyword and the metadata is
":: "
written out ColonColonSpaceSpace- this can be used to manually add metadata with a text editor
after starting the tool it will warn you if no keywords.pkl or processes.pkl are found
- the recovery will be started to create the missing files from existing metadata or create empty files
If no warnung occured you will be able to select the working directory which includes your datafiles you want to add or edit the metadata of
- it also works if you select a parent directory which holds your data directories
The tool will warn you if unknown keywords or processes are found inside this directory
- this can happen if other people with their own instances of the tool edited metadata for this directory and added processes or keywords
you can import these unknown keywords or processes into your keywords.pkl or processes.pkl
- WARNING: if you choose to not import these unknown keywords or processes they will be deleted from the metadata which could lead to the loss of wanted metadata
You are now inside the main window of the tool
on the left side you can see a file browser
if you click on a file the metadata editor opens
the editor consists of a list of keywords and entry boxes to fill in metadata information
- if you press ctrl+l in one of these entries it will copy the information from the last file you opened
the first keyword will always be some sort of process description
- in this drop down list you can select the process which lead you to this data file
right click on a keyword will let you change the name
on the right side you can see function buttons:
- [<] this will fill in all the metadata information from the last file you opened
- [>] this will write the currently input metadata for all files in the directory of the current file
- [>>] this will write the currently input metadata for all files in the directory of the current file and all its subdirectories
- [>>>] this will write the currently input metadata for all files in your opened working directory
- WARNING: these buttons can lead to already put in metadata being overwritten
the next two buttons are there to let you add/remove keywords and to let you edit your list of processes
the reset button empties the metadata of the currently opened file
- I tried my best to test this tool and eliminate bugs but my advice would be the following:
- backup your metadata regularly in case something is lost or overwritten to eliminate the possibility to lose your metadata
- I tested the tool most extensively on ubuntu (the development platform)
- I also tested the tool on Windows
- in theory it should also run on mac os
- If you rename a data file you need to manually rename the metadata file accordingly if you want the metadata to load correctly
- imported process descriptions will be given place holder names with which they are displayed in your tool
- you can rename them manually inside the process editing window
- the metadata is the process description and not the name -> not a problem