Save and Restore the sway session WIP
I'm also going to implement an Interface for the session saving and reconstruction to be able to use the software with other Tiling-WMs (linke i3 or Hyprland).
- get a structure and all windows and save it
- tree as data-structure
- xdg-shell name as app_id -> .desktop launch via 'gio'
- xorg name -> test a few programms for it's name
- save as a session file (json or yaml?)
- terminals ??
- create interface for different programms to override reconstruction/state-save
- recreate the tree
- reconstruct programms based on a basic and a programm-specific routine
- how to handle multible window instances?
- testing ??!!
- optionally show 'reconstructing-panel' in wlr-layer-shell protocol while script is running
- block user input?
- optional: get all running programms (like here)
- handle events from sway itself
- add entry to tree on new event
- remove entry
- save on exit
- testing .. -- -.-