This project acts as supplementary material for the official Serenity/JS tutorial: "From Scripts to Serenity".
To follow the tutorial, you'll need:
- Node.js and NPM
- A web browser, ideally Chrome
You'll also need access to the command line interface.
The below code listings, which look like this one below, mean "type whoami
into the command line":
$> whoami
First, make sure that you have the required tools installed. Next, clone this project to your computer:
$> git clone
$> cd tutorial-from-scripts-to-serenity
Install the dependencies
$> npm install
And make sure that you can execute the acceptance tests using Protractor and Cucumber:
$> npm test
Calling the above command should give you output similar to the one below, notifying you of a pending step:
Feature: Add new items to the todo list
In order to avoid having to remember things that need doing
As a forgetful person
I want to be able to record what I need to do in a place where I won't forget about them
Scenario: Adding an item to a list with other items
Given that James has a todo list containing Buy some cookies, Walk the dog
When he adds Buy some cereal to his list
Then his todo list should contain Buy some cookies, Walk the dog, Buy some cereal
1) Scenario: Adding an item to a list with other items - features/add_new_items.feature:7
Step: Given that James has a todo list containing Buy some cookies, Walk the dog - features/add_new_items.feature:8
Step Definition: features/step_definitions/todo_user.steps.ts:3
1 scenario (1 pending)
3 steps (1 pending, 2 skipped)
If you're done with the setup, head back to the tutorial.
Do you find Serenity/JS useful? Give it a star! ★
Found a bug? Need a feature? Raise an issue or submit a pull request.
Have feedback? Let me know on twitter: @JanMolak