Start by cloning down: [email protected]:NicholasJacques/corkboard.git
Navigate into the Corkboard directory in your terminal
Run the following commands:
Bundle (utilizing "gem install -----" for any missing gems)
rake db:create rake db:migrate rake db:seed
(you might need to enter an additional migration file) (first check to see if column radius is present in the pro_services table in the schema) (if it is not...)
class AddColumnToProService < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] def change add_column :pro_services, :radius, :string end end
Open the project in text editor of your choice
In text editor open 'SchemaXML.txt'
In your web browser navigate to:
Click Save/Load
Paste the contents of SchemaXML into the Input/Output text field and hit "Load XML"
A few notes on the project:
The Pro model is a single table inheritance from the User.
Pro_Services is utilized to deliniate the user type between a Requester(user) and Pro.
In Pro_Services there is a SET data type in the schema diagram (array w/integer in the DB). This is a non-indexed, unique value only array type that we are using to store an array of the service id's that are essentially tags noting what services that professional provides.
Rspec Test Suite