An android game app played between two players.
Function bPass:
There are two player. After starting the game player1 will enter a letter, if player1 thinks that there is a valid word after inserting a letter in
horizontal rows or vertical column then player1 can challenge to player2 otherwise he pass the turn to another player.
Function onLongClickListener:
If player1 want to challenge then first click on the select text button and select the word by long clicking the letter then player1 clicks the challenge button.
The word will be selected.
Function bChallenge:
If player1 challenge to player2, if it is a valid word and has not used before then the score of current player will be increased by length of word otherwise
score of the opponent player is increased by length of word and vice versa.
Function bReset:
Player can reset the game on clicking Reset button.By doing this all the tiles will be empty.
And scores of both players will be equal to Zero.
Function checkForSequence:
Function is for checking that sequence of selected letters is valid or not.Here valid means it should be in a row and selection should be in
left to right direction.For a column it should be in up to down direction.
- Anjali Kumari
- Priyanka Singhal
- Deppak kumar goyal
- Vishal kumar raman