Watch the things that matter to you on Github.
The Barrelman is stationed in the crow's nest of an oceangoing vessel as a navigational aid. In early ships, the nest was simply a barrel lashed to the tallest mast.
Create rules for your repo in barrelman.yml and spy on your coworker's PRs. If a rule is triggered, you'll be added as a reviewer, a comment will be made, and Pierre will ping you.
Review other's PRs and watch for things like:
- Importing "that library"
- Calling deprecated function
- Using a bad word and not changing it in placeholder label
Barrelman runs Python's regex engine on your rules. A rule consists of a pattern and a list of github usernames or teamnames.
Put rules in a file named barrelman.yml in the master branch of the repo. Rules will be checked against newly added changes from the diff of the PR.
'hello world':
- dylan
- mary
- team/infra
Barrelman supports regex. Here are some examples. Check here for Python's regex syntax and remember to escape special characters.
# Rule for urls
- wonderwoman
# Rule to match "todo" at beginning and end of word, case insensitive. For ex, "TODOIST" will not match
- tchalla
# Rule with newlines
- tonystark
Barrelman supports github teams. Specify a team by using "team/" in front of the team name.
- drake
- kanye
- team/devtools
Barrelman will detect if the barrelman.yml file is corrupted on master or if a PR that changes it mucks it up.
If you receive a comment on a PR stating that something is wrong with the file, carefully check the format of the barrelman.yml file of the specified branch.
Common mistakes: tabs instead of 4 spaces, no space after dash, missing colon after rule. If your regex pattern is not getting recognized, try removing the surrounding quotes.