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Division Sites

Andy Cochran edited this page May 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Various Council Divisions each have their own site in the WordPress multisite network. Each Division site uses its corresponding child theme.

These Division child themes call remove-in-child-theme.php in the parent theme, which does the following:

  • Disables various admin screens (Committees, Caucuses, Reports, Features)
  • Unregisters the main navigation menu
  • Disables various page templates (Committees, Caucuses, District…)


The Budget site uses the "NYCC Budget" child theme (wp-nycc-budget).

Budget Sidebars

The budget site has two widget areas:

  • Posts Sidebar - appears on the Budget front page and on every post
  • Front Page Sidebar - appears only on the Budget front page


The Legislation site uses the "NYCC Legislation" child theme (wp-nycc-legislation).

Land Use

The Land Use site uses the "NYCC Land Use" child theme (wp-nycc-land-use).

Land Use Plans

Plans are a custom post type, similar to pages. To add/edit a Plan, go to the Land Use site's Admin > Plans. Edit the content as you would a regular page. The following settings will determine how the plan displays:

  • Excerpt (optional) - appears as a subheading under the title (excerpts also appear in search results, which default to the first ~55 words of the content if the excerpt is empty)
  • Attributes
    • Parent (optional) - plans can be hierarchical; if a parent is set, a link to the plan and its excerpt will display alongside the parent plan's content
    • Order - order by which child plans appear in their parent plan
  • Event Meta (optional) - if there is an event (such as a public hearing) associated with the plan
    • Event Location - where the event is located
    • Event Map Link - an external link to directions (e.g. City Hall on Google Maps is


The Press site uses the "NYCC Press" child theme (wp-nycc-press).

Press Releases

In the "NYCC Press" theme, WordPress Posts have been renamed Press Releases. They function just as regular Posts do, except that they do not use categories (they do use tags).

Image Gallery

By selecting "All Images" in the Page Attributes > Template menu (in the righthand sidebar), a page will display a paginated list of all images in the Press Media Library. Page content is optional, and it will only display on the first page if it exists.


The Jobs site uses the "NYCC Jobs" child theme:

Jobs Front Page

When setting up the Jobs site, create a page (e.g. "Job Opportunities") for the front page. Then, in the Job site's Admin > Settings > Reading, the "Front page displays" settings should set this page as the front page. The posts page should be left null, as posts are disabled for this theme.

Job Postings

On the Jobs site, pages are used to create job postings through a custom taxonomy called Job Divisions.

When adding a new page, the Job Division is set to "N/A (regular page)" by default. Leave this as-is for regular pages (e.g. the front page or a page about policies).

To turn a page into a job posting, simply choose one of the taxonomy terms. The page will then appear in the Jobs List sidebar widget.

To edit the available terms in the Job Divisions taxonomy, go to the Job site's Admin > Pages > Job Divisions.

Jobs List Widget

The Jobs List widget should be included in the sidebar widget area in Admin > Appearance > Widgets. This widget displays a list of job postings grouped by Job Divisions taxonomy terms.