The card game war, made single-player. Using the Deck of Cards API
Utilizes Firebase for user statistic tracking & authentication.
- Node.js
- Installation of http-server via npm install -g http-server
- A Github, Facebook, Twitter or Google account
###Post Cloning Your Fork Locally:
- Inside the main repo directory:
- Run http-server
- Make note of the port number returned after running http-server
- In a web browser, navigate to http://localhost:[your-port-number]
- Authenticate with Github Facebook Twitter or Google
- Click New Game to start a new game of war
- Click Resume Game to resume an unfinished game
- Click Player Stats to view your all time win/loss record
- In-game, click DRAW! to draw a new card for each hand
####To use the uncompiled development scripts:
- Uncomment lines 4 & 68 in index.html
- Comment out lines 5, 69 & 70 in index.html
- Inside the lib directory:
- Run npm install
- Run bower install