##Toolstack for next-gen ISPs
Currently, this daemon aims to ease OpenVPN management (through OpenVPN's management channel), handling user registration, authentication and the assigment of IP addresses from a pool (be it fixed or dynamic). It exposes a REST API, which allows you to add IP address pools, manage active connections etc.
Build instructions
- Install JDK 8
- Install Maven (apt-get install maven)
- mvn clean install
For ubuntu:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer maven
mvn clean install # in the source code directory
Run instructions
- Install JRE/JDK 8
- Install jsvc (commons-daemon) and zookeeper
- Download the JS libraries and extract them in the web/registration/js dir
- Configure the OpenVPN MGMT channel and database in config.properties (see config.properties.default)
- /usr/bin/jsvc -cp ISP-NG-VPN-jar-with-dependencies.jar -home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/ -user ispng -pidfile /var/run/ispng.pid -cwd [config file dir] be.neutrinet.ispng.VPN
This will auto-create the database tables and run Jetty embedded on https://[hostname]:[port]. However it is also possible to use another webserver to serve the static files (CORS headers are set).
Install instructions
- Copy the supplied SystemD service file to your system directory (e.g. /lib/systemd/system on Debian 8)
- systemctl reenable ispng
Above will auto-start ISPng after OpenVPN and network are available.