This is the repository for the discord bots created by hsa community members.
Project aim
Project outline
Skill level Entry level project, contributions from intermediate and advanced members would be appreciated!
Feel free to create a Template for this project.
To be done:
- Audio log
Description: To show interaction create informantion and more.
- Fix 'RefreshSlashCommands' event.
Description: Support saving slash commands globally.
- Confess feature
Description: To upgrade it or remove it.
- Slash commands:
~Admin command helper.
- Database & models with mongoose.
- Command handler.
- Event listen handler.
- Event listener:
Description: Refresh all slash commands (event listener 'ready').
Description: Interaction create executer and other feature extensions (event listener 'interactionCreate').
Description: Extension for the /confess feature. (event listener 'messageCreate').
- Slash commands.
Description: Setup the channel for confessing. Admin usage only.
Description: Open up anonymously!.
Description: Replies with Pong!.
Setup the bot:
.env file:
Description: Discord bot token.
Description: Discord bot id.
Description: The guild id for slash command usage.
Description: Mongoose uri.
"@discordjs/rest": "^1.0.1"
"discord.js": "^14.2.0"
"dotenv": "^16.0.1"
"fs": "^0.0.1-security"