Creates a scaffolding for a new ansible role. It was created because the one that comes with Ansible (ansible-galaxy) leaves something to be desired.
*nix OS - Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat, Amazon Linux, etc.. Optionally:
- Install bump2version for version bumping if you want to change the tags in a much easier way.
- Install virtualbox and vagrant to test the roles.
newrole_name: the_name_of_the_new_role newrole_dest: /the/path/to/create/the/new/role provider: default vagrant provider to use (default: virtualbox) prov_cpus: number of cpus to assign per box (default: 2) prov_ram: ram in KB to assing per box (default: 1024) prov_network_prefix: network prefix for the private network (default: 192.168.10.) boxes: dictionary of boxes with type and box name to provision and test, attributes are:
- type: osversion box: boxname
Step 1 Get the newrole folder onto your computer.
ansible-galaxy install gotansible.newrole
ansible-galaxy install gotansible.newrole -p ~/src/pick_a_folder_to_put_it_in
Step 2 Make it easy to run newrole.
echo "alias newrole='/etc/ansible/roles/gotansible.newrole/newrole'" > ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
or (if you picked a specific folder)
echo "alias newrole='/path/to/the/folder/in/step/1/gotansible.newrole/newrole'" > ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
Step 3 Runit
newrole my_groovy_new_role_name
Created by Franklin Wise in Santa Monica, CA. Forked by Nestor Manrique.