A python wrapper for the NGS’s Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT) API. More information about the API is available here.
- Can make calls to all 5 NCAT services (LLH, SPC, UTM, XYZ, and USNG)
- Ensures required parameters for different NCAT services are present before making api call.
Using pip:
pip install ncat-api
To use the package:
import NCAT from ncatapi
Perform an LLH Service request.
from ncatapi import NCAT
ncat = NCAT()
response = ncat.llh({
'lat': 40.0,
'lon': -80.0,
'orthoHt': 99.0,
'inDatum': 'nad83(1986)',
'outDatum': 'nad83(2011)',
'inVertDatum': 'NGVD29',
'outVertDatum': 'NAVD88'
'ID': '1664818932872',
'nadconVersion': '5.0',
'vertconVersion': '3.0',
'srcDatum': 'NAD83(1986)',
'destDatum': 'NAD83(2011)',
'srcVertDatum': 'NGVD29',
'destVertDatum': 'NAVD88',
'srcLat': '40.0000000000',
'srcLatDms': 'N400000.00000',
'destLat': '39.9999983008',
'destLatDms': 'N395959.99388',
'deltaLat': '-0.189',
'sigLat': '0.000263',
'sigLat_m': '0.0081',
'srcLon': '-80.0000000000',
'srcLonDms': 'W0800000.00000',
'destLon': '-79.9999976143',
'destLonDms': 'W0795959.99141',
'deltaLon': '0.204',
'sigLon': '0.000221',
'sigLon_m': '0.0052',
'heightUnits': 'm',
'srcEht': 'N/A',
'destEht': 'N/A',
'sigEht': 'N/A',
'srcOrthoht': '99.000',
'destOrthoht': '98.848',
'sigOrthoht': '0.005',
'spcZone': 'PA S-3702',
'spcNorthing_m': '76,470.391',
'spcEasting_m': '407,886.681',
'spcNorthing_usft': '250,886.607',
'spcEasting_usft': '1,338,208.220',
'spcNorthing_ift': '250,887.109',
'spcEasting_ift': '1,338,210.896',
'spcConvergence': '-01 27 35.22',
'spcScaleFactor': '0.99999024',
'spcCombinedFactor': 'N/A',
'utmZone': 'UTM Zone 17',
'utmNorthing': '4,428,235.878',
'utmEasting': '585,360.668',
'utmConvergence': '00 38 34.18',
'utmScaleFactor': '0.99968970',
'utmCombinedFactor': 'N/A',
'x': 'N/A',
'y': 'N/A',
'z': 'N/A',
'usng': '17SNE8536128236'
Perform an SPC Service request.
from ncatapi import NCAT
ncat = NCAT()
response = ncat.spc({
'northing': 173099.419,
'easting': 503626.812,
'spcZone': 2402,
'inDatum': 'nad83(2011)',
'outDatum': 'nad83(NSRS2007)'
Perform an USNG Service request.
from ncatapi import NCAT
ncat = NCAT()
response = ncat.usng({
'usng': '15SWB4788338641',
'inDatum': 'nad83(2011)',
'outDatum': 'nad83(NSRS2007)'
Perform an UTM Service request.
from ncatapi import NCAT
ncat = NCAT()
response = ncat.utm({
'northing': 4138641.144,
'easting': 547883.655,
'utmZone': 15,
'spcZone': 2401,
'inDatum': 'NAD83(2011)',
'outDatum': 'NAD83(NSRS2007)'
Perform an XYZ Service request.
from ncatapi import NCAT
ncat = NCAT()
response = ncat.xyz({
'x': -217687.279,
'y': -5069012.406,
'z': 3852223.048,
'inDatum': 'NAD83(2011)',
'outDatum': 'NAD83(NSRS2007)'