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This is the application project of the Datascience & IA course, batch #1672 - April/June 2024

It uses the Kaggle Recipes and Interactions dataset.

The purpose of the project is to apply our learnings in a full project from training of a model to deployment in GCP on Cloud Run with a web interface.

The first goal is to predict the the user review score from the recipe description, using a Machine Learning algorithm.

The second goal is to recommend some recipes, first based on a recipe proximity, then based on a user prompt.

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  • python 3.10.6
  • Tested on Windows(11) & MacOSX (intel/sonoma)
  • gcloud command line :
  • gcloud init
  • gcloud auth login
  • gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID (replace PROJECT_ID with your GCP project ID)


Cloning the repo and install dependencies

  • git clone [email protected]:Nanouna/recettes-et-sentiments.git
  • cd recettes-et-sentiments
  • pyenv virtualenv recettes-et-sentiments
  • pyenv local recettes-et-sentiments
  • pip install --upgrade pip
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pip install -e .
  • sudo snap install yq (or brew install yq on mac)

Google Cloud Bucket Creation

  • it's required even if the docker image is running locally, as the image will fetch models & data files on startup
  • edit the Docker/.env.yaml & set BUCKET_URL & GCP_REGION
  • ./

Training the model and store them on Google Cloud Bucket

  • Upload the trained models & parquets to this bucket
    • run, this will generate models & parquet :
      • python recettes-et-sentiments/api_model/
    • you should get the following files in /tmp/data/ :
      • w2vec_model_tags.pkl
      • w2vec_df_tags.parquet
      • knn_model_tags.pkl
      • w2vec_model_ingredients.pkl
      • w2vec_df_ingredients.parquet
      • knn_model_ingredients.pkl
      • w2vec_model_col_concat.pkl
      • w2vec_df_col_concat.parquet
      • knn_model_col_concat.pkl
    • copy the files to the bucket
      • gsutil cp /tmp/data/* gs://your-bucket-name/

Docker : build & local testing

  • edit the .env.yaml with the URL of the bucket and the list of file names uploaded to the bucket
  • local testing
    • build the image with : ./
    • run the image with : ./
    • run the image and open a shell to debug : ./

Docker : build & run on Google Cloud Run

  • run on Google Cloud Run
    • edit Docker/.env.yaml and fill the variables
      • GCP_PROJECT_ID : your GCP project ID
      • GCP_REGION : your prefered region for the Cloud Run Deployemnt
    • ./ : setup the Google Cloud artificat registry (to be run only once)
    • ./ : build the docker image for Google Cloud Run and push it to Google Artificat Registry
    • ./ : deploy & run the image on Googel Cloud Run

check the API documentation

Recettes et sentiments OpenAPI preview

try out the APIs in your browser

Check our Streamlit web application to interract with our API

Recettes et sentiments Streamlit preview

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Key Technologies used in this project

  • Python

    • scikitlearn
    • Pandas / Numpy
    • gensim Word2Vec/FastText & nltk
    • uvicorn & fastapi
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

    • Cloud Run
    • IAM
    • Cloud Bucket
    • Clourd Artificat Registry
  • Docker

  • Jupyter Notebook

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Project logic

1. Rating prediction

Proposed use case: find recipes that be highly rated if they would received reviews. It would help chefs to better their recipes and help promote 'new' content on the website.

Baseline model:

from sklearn.metrics import root_mean_squared_error, mean_squared_error

local_review_path = "data/RAW_interactions.csv"
df_reviews = data.load_reviews(local_review_path)
local_recipe_path = "data/RAW_recipes.csv"
df_recipes = data.load_recipes(local_recipe_path)
y_merged = data.get_y(df_recipes, df_reviews)

number_review_threshold = 9
review_filter = y_merged[y_merged['count_rating']> number_review_threshold]

mean_rating_overall = review_filter['mean_rating'].mean()
y_true = review_filter['mean_rating']
y_pred = np.repeat(mean_rating_overall, len(review_filter))

rmse = root_mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)
mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)

rmse, mse

Results : (0.43713, 0.19108)


First issue we enconter is that the ratings highly skewed toward the maximum value. It seems that the Americans are either enthousiastic about reviewing a recipe or don't do it at all. It is significantly the same if we look at the average rate by recipe. review notes distributions

Considering the objective, we need to have recipes that have enough reviews to be significant. We considered that having the normally distributed average rate by recipe is a good bases to have meanigful reviews we enough variation to have something to predict. Though we had to balance the cut to the dataset size with the significativity.

We selected a threshold of 10+ reviews by recipe. We maintain 21399 recipes to train on with this following distribution. It's the smallest threshold that we still consider as a normally distributed distribution of average rating.

Average score per recipe for recipe with 10 reviews or more

Numerical preprocessing

To handle excessive outliers while still maintaining some recipes exagerated features we mitigates the minutes and step by setting a minimum and a maximum

  • minutes start at 5 and are capped at 130
  • n_steps start at 1 and are capped at 40

We then applied a RobustScaler to the numerical beside the n_step and n_ingredients are they are already in a similar range to the rest. RobustSacler is ideal for our not always normal distribution with many outliers even if mitigated.

Text preprocessing

  • start with basic word preprocessing (removing uppercase, numerical characters, ponctuation, english stopwords, lemmatizing by word types)

  • adding custom stopword list to be removed selected from highest recurring words in the corpus if we felt that the words do not differentiate one recipe from another

  • tags are pre handled to the preprocessing to remove recurring tags that add no additional sense value

  • embedding of words 3 options tried : (using recipe name, description & ingredients)

    • CountVectorizer & TF IDF : with default setting we get a huge nubmer of columns, adjusting min_df,max_df we still get 15k columns and 26GB dataset. Training a LinearRegression model on this dataset exhaust the memorry resources of a high end computer with 64GB of RAM + 300GB of Swap
    • Using Word2Vec, where we create a vector(100,) per word and then compute the average vector so that it represents the recipe. Doing so it results in a much lower dataset. However, running a cross_validate(r2) gives a test_score of -5.1329


We were not able to explain the average score given by users to recipes from the name, description & ingredients using ML or Deep Learning.

It was challenging anyway with scores 1,2,3 stars representing altogether only 6% of to users ratings, and it's even less considering that the 5.37% of 0 star rating (people didn't rate the recipe but left a comment)

Star Rating (%)
5 72.09
4 16.55
0 5.37
3 3.61
2 1.25
1 1.13

We could have spent more time on the dataset and model, but we felt it was unlikely to have a different conculsion and trying other use case on this dataset was more compelling to us.

2. Recipe recommendation

This project focuses on developing a machine learning-based recommendation system for recipes using data from The system aims to provide users with personalized recipe recommendations based on their preferences. The data from presents several challenges that we have addressed to build a robust and effective recommendation system.

Challenges with the Dataset

The dataset from is not standardized and contains various issues, such as:

Textual Data with Errors: The dataset includes a significant number of spelling mistakes, typos, and improper grammar. Proper Nouns and Brands: Many ingredients are listed with brand names or as proprietary products, complicating the normalization process. Transformed Products and Irrelevant Information: The dataset contains references to already prepared or packaged products and other irrelevant details that do not contribute to recipe preparation. Plurality and Variations of Ingredients: Ingredients appear in multiple forms and variations, making it challenging to consolidate them.

Use Cases

The recommendation system addresses several use cases:

Slight Variation of a Liked Recipe: Users can find recipes similar to one they like but with slight variations. Ingredient-Based Recipe Search: Users can search for recipes based on specific ingredients they have. Theme and Category-Based Search: Users can find recipes based on themes (e.g., holiday recipes) and categories (e.g., desserts). Combined Search Criteria: Users can search for recipes based on a combination of themes, categories, and specific ingredients.

Data Selection

Data selection was driven by the need to address the use cases effectively. We focused on:

Cleaning and normalizing ingredient lists to handle variations and brand names. Selecting relevant tags and categories for thematic and categorical searches. Filtering out irrelevant and redundant information to streamline the dataset for the recommendation algorithm.

Data Preparation

Data preparation involved several critical steps:

Preprocessing: Implemented a term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) model to pre-classify ingredients, reducing their number before manual review. Conducted a manual review of tags to ensure relevance and accuracy. NLP Preprocessing: Standard NLP preprocessing techniques were applied, including tokenization, stop-word removal, stemming, and lemmatization, to prepare textual data for modeling.


The recommendation system utilizes the following models:

  • Word2Vec: We used Word2Vec to vectorize textual columns in the dataset. This allowed us to capture the semantic relationships between words and ingredients effectively.
  • K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): After vectorizing the data with Word2Vec, we applied a KNN algorithm to build the recommendation engine. KNN helped in finding recipes that are similar based on the input criteria, be it ingredients, themes, or categories.


This recipe recommendation system leverages advanced NLP techniques and machine learning algorithms to provide personalized recipe suggestions. By addressing the challenges in the dataset and focusing on relevant use cases, the system aims to enhance the user's culinary experience with tailored recipe recommendations.

Feel free to explore the code and contribute to improving the system further!

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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No description, website, or topics provided.







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Contributors 3
