This is a skeleton you can use to start your projects
This project template contains starter code for your class project. The /service
folder contains your
file for your model and a
file for your service. The /tests
folder has test case starter code for testing the model and the service separately. All you need to do is add your functionality. You can use the lab-flask-rest for code examples to take from.
The best way to use this repo is to start your own repo using it as a git template. To do this just press the green Use this template button in GitHub and this will become the source for your repository.
You can also clone this repository and then copy and paste the starter code into your project repo folder on your local computer. Be careful not to copy over your own file so be selective in what you copy.
There are two hidden files that you will need to copy manually if you use the Finder to copy files from this folder into your repo folder. They are:
cp .coveragerc ../<your_repo_folder>/
cp .gitignore ../<your_repo_folder>/
The project contains the following:
.coveragerc - settings file for code coverage options
.devcontainers - support for VSCode Remote Containers
.gitignore - this will ignore vagrant and other metadata files
dot-env-example - copy to .env to use environment variables
requirements.txt - list if Python libraries required by your code - configuration parameters
service/ - service python package
├── - package initializer
├── - HTTP error handling code
├── - module with business models
├── - module with service routes
└── - HTTP status constants
tests/ - test cases package
├── - package initializer
├── - test suite for busines models
└── - test suite for service routes
Vagrantfile - sample Vagrant file that installs Python 3 and PostgreSQL
This repository is part of the NYU class CSCI-GA.2810-001: DevOps and Agile Methodologies taught by John Rofrano, Adjunct Instructor, NYU Courant Institute, Graduate Division, Computer Science.