2022.04 (branch: dev/gfdl)
2022.04 release of GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere corresponding with the 2022.04 releases of FMS and atmos_drivers.
This release includes the following:
- Release of stand-alone solo_core functionality with simple physics.
- Updated GFDL Microphysics, used for real-time 2021 C-SHiELD and T-SHiELD. (L Zhou)
- Merges numerous updates from dev/emc.
- Leverage DA functionality from UFS with additional changes (M Tong).
- Updates to use the latest FMS release, including fms2_io.
- Adds license header to missing files and fixes typo in header.
- Fixes a bug where long_name and units attributes were not being captured in restart files.
- Adds the ability to specify prefix and directory when reading and writing restarts.
- The planetary radius and rotation rate are now re-scalable by a namelist parameter (small_earth_scale) instead of using exclusively the hard-coded FMS constant.
- Removes obsolete driver/SHiELD files.
- Removes unused function fv_diagnostics::max_vorticity_hy1.
- Removes avec timer remnants.
- Removes old style namelist read in favor of read from internal character variable.
- Adds option for a mean wind.
- Addresses GNU warnings.