Releases: NLeSC/case-law-app
Releases · NLeSC/case-law-app
Nicer looking UI
New functionalities
- Double sliders instead of single slider
- The attribute for the second slider can be selected
- Multi-select options for filters
- Close button for attribute pane
- Show number of visible nodes
Small fixes
- Default node color is gray instead of black
- Newlines from abstract are removed (for easier importing in excel)
- Unnecessary node attribute 'articles_s' removed
Categorical colors
- Color can also be based on categorical attribute, with a categorical colormap
- A default option 'none' has been added for color, which creates all black (unselected) and green (selected) nodes
- 'community' has been added as an attribute for coloring, filtering and shown on the attribute pane (Possible to create with the latest version of caselawapp, see this commit)
- CSS layout has been modified slightly
Fixed version number
The version number in the package.json and displayed in the application is fixed.
Filter for creator (instantie)
- Filter for creator ('instantie' such as Hoge Raad)
- Title of nodes is now only instantie and year
First official release
This is the first release of the Case Law Analytics network visualization. Current functionality:
- Load a network from a json file as specified in the Readme
- Force Layout and Noverlap layout are applied
- Filter possibilities for 'year', 'rechtsgebied', 'minimum indegree'
- Possibility to filter selected nodes
- Possibility to export filtered nodes
- Node color and size can be based on several (numeric) attribute
- Clicking on a node shows an attribute pane for the node