This repository contains configuration files and deployment scripts needed to setup a buildbot master. This includes automatic configuration of an Azure VM to host the master.
Please note that the automatic configuration of the host requires access to the setup scripts and since this repository is hosted in a private github repository, the explicit references are made to a duplicate of the scripts and templates, which can be found in
After setting up the buildbot master, the generic master.cfg
should be replace with the one in this repository and the master should be restarted.
A worker (formerly known as a build slave) can be set up easily in a python virtual environment.
First create a virtual environment:
sudo su - buildbot
mkdir ~/virtualenvs
virtualenv ~/virtualenvs/buildbot
source virtualenvs/buildbot/bin/activate
Then install buildbot:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install 'buildbot[bundle]'
Create a worker:
mkdir buildbot_workers
cd buildbot_workers/
buildbot-worker create-worker docker-image-worker docker-image-worker gadgetron
Create init script to start on boot. For Upstart, this would look like:
description "docker image buildbot slave"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
cd /home/buildbot/buildbot_workers/docker-image-worker
sudo -u buildbot /home/buildbot/virtualenvs/buildbot/bin/buildbot-worker start --nodaemon
end script
For systemd, it would look like:
Description=BuildBot worker service
ExecStart=/home/buildbot/virtualenvs/buildbot/bin/buildbot-worker start --nodaemon
Then start the service. Watch for any errors in the log: /home/buildbot/buildbot_workers/docker-image-worker/twistd.log