Add tasks to capistrano to a Rails project to work with gem api_docs. It only works with capistrano 3. Older versions until 0.3 works with capistrano 2.
- Add documentation files to git
- Clone documentation repository to tmp folder
- Copy documentation files from local respository to documentation repository
- Remove temporary documentation repository
Feel free to fork and to add new tasks.
Add it as a gem:
gem "capistrano_api_docs_external_git"
Change your Capfile:
require 'capistrano/api_docs_external_git'
Add if you want change any of this options on your config/deploy.rb:
# This one is required
# Set Your destination git repository e.g. ([email protected]:guiferrpereira/api-docs.git)
set :doc_git_repository, nil
# Optionals
# Set Your destination repository name e.g. "api-docs"
set :doc_repository_name, "api-docs"
# Rails Application root folder
set :rails_root,
# Temporary folder where you want save git repository temporary
set :rails_root_tmp_path, fetch(:rails_root).join("tmp")
# You should set with ApiDocs.config.docs_path
set :api_docs_path, fetch(:rails_root).join("doc", "api")
cap api_docs_external_git:add_files_git # Add files to documentation git
cap api_docs_external_git:clone_repo # Clone documentation repository to tmp folder
cap api_docs_external_git:copy_files # Copy documentation files from local respository to documentation repository
cap api_docs_external_git:remove_files # Remove documentation repository
By default will run after your deploy is finished
- Add tests
Copyright (c) 2014 [Guilherme Pereira - NDrive], released under the MIT license