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jasonChiu edited this page Jan 29, 2015 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

  1. clone the repository and change directory into it

  2. put the value ( see Configuration File ) and place following files into location-server/src/main/resources/production :

    dataSourceClassName = [ your datasource class ] ( ex: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource )
    dataSource.url = [ your jdbc url ] ( ex: jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname )
    dataSource.user = [ your user name ]
    dataSource.password = [ your password ]
    ... or other hikariCP settings
    init_database = [ true / false ]
    init_database_file = classpath:develope/data.sql
    hibernate.dialect  = org.hibernate.spatial.dialect.mysql.MySQLSpatialInnoDBDialect
    ...and other hibernate setting
    lucene.index.path = path/to/store/lucene/indexes
  3. two ways to start the server :

    • start on local by gradle : exec gradlew jettyStart to start and gradlew jettyStop to stop
    • start on remote by deploy: exec gradlew war and deploy location-server/build/libs/location-server.war to remote container
  4. start to access the server! ( see API List or Client for Android)

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