In this repository, we aim to provide instructions for geometric deep learning using Intel Gaudi-v2 devices. Specifically, we aim to provide the following contents:
- Efficient implementation of geometric deep learning functionalities and models that is compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
- Detailed instructions and automatic tools for code adaptation to make existing code on geometric deep learning compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
- Comprehensive benchmarks and tools for analyzing the performance of geometric deep learning models on Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
- Rich documentation with concrete examples and tutorials.
- Introduction
- Preparation
- Tutorials and Examples
- Benchmark Results
- Implemented Functionalities
- Performance Optimization
Geometric deep learning is a rapidly growing field that focuses on extending deep learning techniques to non-Euclidean domains such as graphs. This repository aims to bridge the gap by providing support for Intel Gaudi-v2 devices, addressing the challenge that existing libraries like PyG (PyTorch Geometric) and DGL (Deep Graph Library) only support CUDA GPUs.
In this section, we show what you should prepare for running code with PyG on Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
First, install PyTorch on Gaudi-v2. Make sure to install the PyTorch packages provided by Intel Gaudi. To set up the PyTorch environment, refer to the Installation Guide. The supported PyTorch versions are listed in the Support Matrix. The recommended way is to use a docker container with PyTorch installed. See the instructions for installation using containers here. An example for the installation of PyTorch 2.4.0 on Ubuntu 22.04 is
export OS="ubuntu22.04";
export PTV="2.4.0";
docker pull${OS}/habanalabs/pytorch-installer-${PTV}:latest;
docker run --name torch${PTV} -it --runtime=habana -e HABANA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -e OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism=none --cap-add=sys_nice --net=host --ipc=host -v /home/irteamsu/data:/data$OS/habanalabs/pytorch-installer-${PTV}:latest;
Check the available docker list here. See more general instructions here.
From PyG 2.3 onwards, you can install and use PyG without any external library required except for PyTorch. For this, simply run:
pip install torch_geometric
See more instructions for the installation of PyG here.
There are several basic steps to adapt code to be compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
The first step is to import the Intel Gaudi PyTorch framework:
import habana_frameworks.torch.core as htcore
The second step is to set the device as the Gaudi device:
device = torch.device("hpu")
The third step is to wrap the model in torch.compile
function and set the backend to hpu_backend
, after model.train()
model = torch.compile(model,backend="hpu_backend")
Finally, run the code in the Eager mode. To do this, you can either set the environment variable when running the code, e.g.,
Or set the environment variable in the beginning of the code:
import os
# Use the eager mode
os.environ["PT_HPU_LAZY_MODE"] = "0"
See more instructions here. See also the introduction of an automatic migration toolkit here.
In this section, we provide tutorials and examples for geometric deep learning with Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
In this part, we adapt and modify PyG official tutorials to be compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices. See the subfolder for more details.
In this part, we adapt and modify PyG official examples to be compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices. See the subfolder for more details.
In this part, we adapt and modify Stanford CS224W Tutorials to be compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices. See the subfolder for more details.
In this section, we provide benchmark results for geometric deep learning models on Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
TODO: This section will showcase the benchmark results comparing Intel Gaudi-v2 devices with other hardware platforms (e.g., NVIDIA GPUs) for various geometric deep learning models and tasks. The benchmarks will include:
- Training time comparisons
- Memory usage analysis
- Cost-performance ratio evaluation
- Scaling efficiency with different batch sizes
- Model inference latency measurements
In this section, we provide implementations of geometric deep learning functionalities that are compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.
We implement main functionalities in the Torch Scatter library, which only supports CUDA GPUs. We implement them using raw Pytorch so that the implementation can be compatible to Intel Gaudi-v2 devices.