Playlist of Digital Eagles created tutorials
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Download WPILib & FRC tools
- Download & getting Git
- Install WPILib & Java Extension Pack in Visual Studio Code
- Set indentations to tabs (4 spaces)
- Turn on auto-format when saving & pasting
- Creating repositories
- Stage, commit, and push code
- VIM basics
- Working with multiple programmers
- Merge conflicts
- Cloning repositories
- How to access command palette
- How to create a new robot project
- How to build a robot project
- How to deploy a robot project
- What are objects? How are they used in Java?
- How can we efficiently use objects?
- Objects vs methods
- What goes in objects?
- Data types
- If/else statements
- Methods
- Classes
- OOP 101
- Project/Robot Structure
- Subsystems
- PID Subsystem vs Custom PID Subsystem
- Commands
- Command Groups
- Instant Commands
- Timed Commands
- Static References vs Singletons
- Field Connections
- Drive Trains
- Motors
- Pneumatics
- Encoders
- Ultrasonic sensors
- Limit switches
- Network Tables
- Shuffleboard and SmartDashboard
- USB Cameras
- OpenCV
- Modifying and manipulating the camera feed
- LimeLight functionality
- Proportional
- Integral
- Derivative
- Feed Forward
- Implementing PIDF into subsystems
- Formatting
- Variable Naming
- Method Naming
- Subsystem & Commands Naming
- Documentation
- Best tool for the job (time based actions vs feedback loops (closed loops vs open loops) )
- PIDF Tuning
Practice the skills you have learned by tackling challenges specific to each lesson
The ideal response to the FRQ on the test