- RStudio (IDE)
- png
- readbitmap
- rstudioapi
- from skimage.color import gray2rgb
- from skimage.io import imread, imsave
- from os import listdir, mkdir
- from os.path import isfile, join, exists
- from skimage.util import compare_images
- import numpy as np
- import argparse
- Clone the project
- Populate folder "source_images" with initial images in bmp file format
- Run the python script "split.py" - it will split images in two parts putting them in folders 'left' and 'right' correspondingly
- Run the R script "imageStitching.R" - it will stitch images and put them all in folder 'stitched_images'
- If you want to compare images - run the python script "validate.py"
All stitched images are gonna be in 'stitched_images' folder
- Clone the project
- Populate folders 'left' and 'right' with images you want to stitch. In 'left' folder - put left part of images, in 'right' put right part of images
- Run the R script "imageStitching.R"
All stitched images are gonna be in 'stitched_images' folder