Built with Claude, works with other leading LLM's, Yes.
Adaptive Capacity Elicitation (ACE) Study = https://www.figma.com/board/LSDHKkpABc1OXYP3Lupc5z/Adaptive-Capacity-Elicitation-Study?t=JsRMwcLb5KiMGYua-0 ACE GPT Agent: https://chatgpt.com/g/g-6ASmFgLNO-adaptive-capacity-elicitation Holographic Filesystem (HFS) = Projected simulation hybrid CLI for the creation, modification, deletion of fragmented cognition, preventing unwanted hallucinations where identified. note: Holographic filesystems are projected at runtime, so they do not exist & memory is limited by the attention window - however is viable for most tasks.
These prompts are intended for use with VisionLLM's, to guide the creation of prompts based on existing images, which are then pushed into video generation.
Source Prompts for almost all my GPT4 agents, you can use them here: https://fivebelowfive.uk/GPTstore.html Each has a specific purpose ranging from Enhanced Congnition, to Story helpers and Games.