My XeLaTeX CV.
You are free to use this template for your own CV. If you do, please let me know, I'd love to see it! However, please do not use my personal information.
Scripts are provided as-is. If you want to install on a different system, you're on your own. However, if you do, feel free to submit a pull request with your extra documentation and/or scripts.
sudo dnf install tex
sudo dnf install texlive-tabto-ltx \
texlive-eurosym \
texlive-ucharclasses \
texlive-fontawesome5 -y
sudo dnf install gdouros-symbola-fonts
brew install --cask mactex
echo 'export PATH="/Library/TeX/texbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
sudo tlmgr update --self
sudo tlmgr install tabto-ltx eurosym ucharclasses fontawesome5
Might need to install the fonts Symbola
and DejaVu Sans
curl -LO && \
mkdir symbola_tmp && \
unzip -d symbola_tmp && \
cp symbola_tmp/Symbola.otf ~/Library/Fonts/ && \
rm -rf symbola_tmp
echo "Symbola font has been successfully installed."
curl -LO "" && \
mkdir dejavu_tmp && \
unzip -d dejavu_tmp && \
cp dejavu_tmp/dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.37/ttf/DejaVuSans*.ttf ~/Library/Fonts/ && \
rm -rf dejavu_tmp
echo "DejaVu Sans font has been successfully installed."
fc-cache -fv
/bin/bash ./bin/
4 PDFs are generated:
- English CV, anonymized- Then copied to
./Anonymous CV/English.pdf
- Then copied to
- English CV, with personal information- Then copied to
./PDF/CV Sam - YYYY MM DD.pdf
- Then copied to
./CV Samuel GIFFARD.pdf
- Then copied to
- French CV, anonymized- Then copied to
./Anonymous CV/Francais.pdf
- Then copied to
- French CV, with personal information- Then copied to
CV Samuel
- Then copied to
Therefore, the latest versions of my CV are always in
./CV Samuel GIFFARD.pdf
and./CV Samuel
./Anonymous CV/English.pdf
and./Anonymous CV/Francais.pdf
Moreover, now it also archives the 4 PDFs in ./PDF/YYYY-MM-DD/