This is a simplified example with the following features:
- Mbed OS 5.14.1 and Pelion Device Management Client 4.0.0
- Support for FW Update
This section is intended for developers to get started, import the example application, compile and get it running on their device.
Mbed CLI version >= 1.10.0
For instructions on installing and using Mbed CLI, please see our documentation.
Generate and install your API key
For instructions on how to generate your API key, please see the documentation.Next install your API key in mbed CLI
mbed config -G CLOUD_SDK_API_KEY ak_1MDE1...<snip>
You should generate your own API key. Pelion Device Management is available for any Mbed developer. Create a free trial.
git clone
cd mbed-os-example-pelion
git checkout Dragonfly-F413RH
mbed deploy
mbed target MTS_DRAGONFLY_F413RH
mbed toolchain GCC_ARM
mbed device-management init -d --model-name example-app --force -q
mbed compile
- Initialize, connect and register to Pelion DM
- Interact with the user through the serial port (115200 bauds)
- Press enter through putty/minicom to simulate button
- Press 'i' to print endpoint name
- Press Ctrl-C to to unregister
- Press 'r' to reset storage and reboot (warning: it generates a new device ID!)