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Macro Arguments

MrVauxs edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

When summoning using Foundry Summons, you can provide the following arguments to the foundrySummons.openMenu.

Property Default Description
sourceTokens canvas.tokens.ownedTokens Provide a list of token documents that are available as possible summoners.
creatures loadPacks() The list of creatures you can summon. The list of things you can input are described below the table.
location The location of the summoned token. Should be an object with x and y coordinates at least, preferably a Template document.
amount { value: 1, locked: false } How many creatures you want to summon and whether it is configurable inside the menu or not.
filters - An array of objects that filters the creatures array. Examples.
sorting Alphabetical + System Defaults Sorting Methods for creatures.
updates - warpgate's Spawning Options.
options { defaultFilters: true, defaultSorting: true, noAnimation: false }
options.defaultFilters true Whether to include the default system + settings filters (such as filtering out image-less creatures).
options.defaultSorting true As above but for sorting.
options.noAnimation false Disables animations if true, causing the token to spawn with 0 opacity. Use it when adding your own one-off animations.
options.autoPick undefined If true, skips the summoning menu and goes directly to picking a location and summoning if there is only one creature to summon.


    name: string,
    function: (creaturesArray) => creaturesArray.filter(x => x),
    locked: boolean


The property allows for the following:

  • CompendiumCollection
  • String of an imported Actor's Name ("Zombie Shambler")
  • String of an imported Actor's ID
  • String of a world Folder's name, containing creatures
  • Array of Any of the Above
  • undefined or false will cause Foundry Summons to load the default array.
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