- Bachelor of Technology, Information Technology 2024, 8.3/10
- Senior Secondary +2, 2020, 80/100
- Software Engineering Intern at ConsultAdd Inc
- October 2022 - May 2023 (Remote)
- Enhanced user experiences through React.js web application development.
- Gained exposure to Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- Technical: C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL
- Framework/Library: React, Bootstrap
- Tools: Visual Studio Code, GitHub, Postman
- Coursework: DSA, OOPs, DBMS, Operating System
- Currently Learning: React.js
- Solved 650+ algorithmic problems on LeetCode.
- Consistent coding streak of over 200 days.
- Competitive contest rating of 1611(max) and 65+ coding contests.
- 3-star rating on CodeChef with a rating of 1665.