You can check the live site here
Welcome to Chatopia – a project designed for me to learn the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). This application serves as a practical learning experience, allowing me to delve into the world of real-time chat applications while mastering the core technologies of the MERN stack.
- Also, if you want to follow how I approached building this from scratch, you can check out Learnings file. I tend to update this every time I make any progress.
- Account Creation: Users can create accounts to personalize their chat experience.
- Chat Rooms: Join different chat rooms for diverse conversations.
- Real-time Messaging: Utilizes web sockets for instant communication.
- Data Storage: MongoDB is employed for efficient and scalable data storage.
- Frontend: Built with React.js for a dynamic and responsive user interface. And utilizing React's Context API for state management.
- Backend: Developed using Node.js and Express.js to handle server-side logic.
- Database: MongoDB serves as the database for storing user accounts and chat data.
- Websockets: Enables real-time communication for a seamless chatting experience.
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Install Dependencies:
cd Chatopia npm install cd frontend npm install
3 Run the Application:
cd Chatopia/frontend npm run dev
This will start the frontend
Run the Backend:
cd Chatopia npm start
This will start the backend
(You might not have .env file in the root directory, so you can create one and add the following code)
PORT = 3000 MONGO_URI=your_mongo_uri JWT_SECRET=your_secret_key NODE_ENV=production
Open the Application: Open http://localhost:5713 to view it in the browser.
Register for an account by providing a username and password. Once registered, you can log in to access the chat rooms.
This is a begginer project, so you can chat with any person in the database by just entering their username in the chat room. Please do not use or share any sensitive information.
You can also create a new chat room by entering the name of the chat room in the chat room input field.
Feel free to contribute by:
Reporting issues Adding new features Improving existing code