Glad to share with you my reusable starter kit dashboard using Laravel and Vue.js π
This kit is available for all my dear Laravel developers! π
Sharing such projects as open source enhances collaboration and benefits other developers, making their lives easier in application development. Everyone can benefit from this collective effort!
- Login
- Register
- Logout
- Create Users
- Read Users
- Update Users
- Delete Users
- Pagination
- Filtering
Efficiently managed using Spatie, including CRUD operations and filtering.
- Tracks all actions across modules
- Ability to undo actions
- Table-based notifications for internal actions (CRUD and queued jobs)
- Export user data to Excel using queues
- Easy and effective management for user avatar images
- Users by role chart
- Users by status chart
- Logs by module chart
- Logs by action chart
- Logs by user chart
- Designed to accommodate both LTR and RTL languages
- Custom alerts for users upon executing certain operations
- Bootstrap Alert
- Sweet Alert
- Support for customizing the layout according to user needs
I am excited about the possibilities this starter kit opens up for future projects and collaborations.
I invite you to evaluate the project on my GitHub account by giving it βοΈ; every rating contributes to improving the project and encourages me to continue developing more!
To get started, follow these commands:
#make sure to enable GD extension in your apache server (Xampp , Wamp ,laragon ..etc)
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Change directory
cd Laravel-vue-Starter-Kit-Dashboard
# Install dependencies
composer install
# Install Node.js dependencies
npm install
# Link storage
php artisan storage:link
# Migrate database
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
# Run the project
php artisan serve
npm run dev