code to generate 2nd order interatomic force constants from phonopy using mace ML potentials
you can test the code by running the following:
python \
--atoms_path='POSCAR' \
--supercell-dims=222 \
--disp=0.02 \
--num_rand_disp=None \
--output_disp=True \
--pretrained_model=True \
--dtype=float64 \
--device=cpu \
--model_path=None \
--stability_criteria=-.1 \
the code will generate these files:
1-FORCE_CONSTANTS: 2nd order IFCs in phonopy format
2-stability: it shows the words "stable" or "unstable" based on the "stability_criteria" argument
3- band.conf: file that can be used later by phonopy to plot the phonon dispersion
4- orig_band.conf: file that has the q-points or phonon wavevectors that were used to get the frequencies to output the stability file
5- SPOSCAR_###: supercell of the input structure where # represents the supercell dimension
Note: you have to put both files "" and "" in the same path since "" inherits classes from "". The code will output the above files in the same path where you put "" and "".
--atoms_path: structure path ('./POSCAR' by default)
--supercell-dims: supercell dimensions (222 by default)
--disp: atomic displacement amplitude in Angstroms (0.01 by default)
--num_rand_disp: # of random displacements. you might have to install alm to produce 2nd order IFCs (None by default)
--output_disp: whether to output the displacements in POSCAR format or not (True by default)
--pretrained_model: whether to use the pretrained chgnet model (True by default)
--dtype: you can either select 'float64' or 'float32' ('float64' by default)
--device: you can either select 'cpu', 'cuda', or 'mps' ('cpu' by default)
--model_path: new chgnet model path if the pretrained model is not used (None by default)
--stability_criteria: frequency stability threshold. If one frequency is less than that value, "unstable" is written on stability file (-0.1 by default)
--output_ph_band: output phonon dispersion plot in file phonopy_bands_dos.png(True by default)\
the code is tested on the following packages and versions:
The code can probably work with different versions of the above packages
- Please consider reading my published work in Google Scholar using this link thank you :)
- also please let me know if more features are needed to be added and/or improved