code to generate 2nd order interatomic force constants from phonopy using CHGNet
you can test the code by running the following:
python \
--atoms_path='POSCAR' \
--relax=True \
--supercell-dims=222 \
--disp=0.02 \
--num_rand_disp=None \
--output_disp=True \
--pretrained_model=True \
--model_path=None \
--stability_criteria=-0.1 \
the code will generate these files:
1-**FORCE_CONSTANTS**: 2nd order IFCs in phonopy format
2-**stability**: it shows the words "stable" or "unstable" based on the "stability_criteria" argument
3- **band.conf**: file that can be used later by phonopy to plot the phonon dispersion
4- **orig_band.conf**: file that has the q-points or phonon wavevectors that were used to get the frequencies to output the **stability** file
5- **SPOSCAR_###**: supercell of the input structure where # represents the supercell dimension
**Note:** you have to put both files "**" and "**" in the same path since "**" inherits classes from "**". The code will output the above files in the same path where you put "**" and "**".
--atoms_path: structure path ('./POSCAR' by default)
--relax: whether chgnet will relax the structure before the displacments or not (False by default)
--supercell-dims: supercell dimensions (222 by default)
--disp: atomic displacement amplitude in Angstroms (0.01 by default)
--num_rand_disp: # of random displacements. you might have to install alm to produce 2nd order IFCs (None by default)
--output_disp: whether to output the displacements in POSCAR format or not (True by default)
--pretrained_model: whether to use the pretrained chgnet model (True by default)
--model_path: new chgnet model path if the pretrained model is not used (None by default)
--stability_criteria: frequency stability threshold. If one frequency is less than that value, "unstable" is written on stability file (-0.1 by default)
--output_ph_band: output phonon dispersion plot in file phonopy_bands_dos.png(True by default)\
the code is tested on the following packages and versions:
The code can probably work with different versions of the above packages
- please cite this journal article below since the code was used to produce the article:
Ojih, J.; Al-Fahdi, M.; Yao, Y.; Hu, J.; Hu, M. Graph Theory and Graph Neural Network Assisted High-Throughput Crystal Structure Prediction and Screening for Energy Conversion and Storage. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2024, 12 (14), 8502–8515 - please consider reading my published work in Google Scholar using this link thank you :)
- also please let me know if more features are needed to be added and/or improved