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This is the runthrough of the YT-Tutorial "Fullstack Developement with Java Spring Boot, React and MongoDB" Hosted by

Backend: Farhan Hasin Chodhury
Frontend: Gavin Lon @GavinLon

See the original Code on the following repos:
Backend:\ Frontend:

Before you start

I just run through the first part of the tutorials. The backend is done by me. With the React-part/ Frontend I had trouble to follow along, because it is more a codealong, than a tutorial.

Start here


  • Hava Java JDK LTS installed (by this Date 21.01.2023 I used JDK 17) Link:
  • Have an account at MongoDB Atlas
  • Install MongoDB Compass for easyaccess to DB
  • I use the VSCode-Editor with the following extensions Extension Pack for Java (there will be additional extensions installed, which I don't write down here), Maven for Java, Bracket Pair Colorization Tool, Error Lens, MongoDB for VS Code, One Dark Pro, vscode-icons, XML Tools

Step by Step

1. Setup MongoDB Atlas

  • Go to and create a new vluster
  • use a shared one, with the minimum requirements it fits best for developing purposes. Using more power on the cloud will cost some bucks, so choose wisley.

2. Initialize Java Spring

  • Go to
  • On the left side edit the project like needed In this project I went for a Maven-Project in Java and used the Spring Boot Version 3.0.1 The project metadata is selfexplaining: group = com.example artefact = name of application

I went for packaging-format jar and since I installed JDK 17 Java is 17

  • On the right side I choose some dependencies I wanted preselected in the jar-File: I went for Lombok, Sping Weg, Sping Data MongoDB and Spring Boot DevTools

  • Wit Generate the project-zip gets generated and downloaded.

  • unzip it in the project folder and open it with VSC

3. open the configured JavaSpring Projekt and run it

  1. Error 8080 is blocked by an running process 1- run netstat -ano to get pid number 2- run taskname /fi “pid eq ” 3- run taskkill /f /PID
  2. Error Whitlabelpage 1- no routes are set in the project 2- wit GetMapping and RestController Annotation Routes can be set to the application

4. make configuration in /main/resources/


5. Create an .env-File for some security and stop leaking credentials by uploading it to github

  1. Spring don't support reading env-Files 1- add new dependecy 2- look at maven repositories for a fitting one 3- Add Dependency in pom.xml under dependencies with groupId (com.example), artifactI(name of repo) and version 4- With the dependency from paul schwarz you can access env-Variables by ${env.} 5-${env.MONGO_DATABASE} mongodb+srv://${env.MONGO_USER}:${env.MONGO_PASSWORD}@${env.MONGO_CLUSTER}

6. Implementing the Endpoints

  1. in java/de/mikedilexa/movies create the classes and
  2. For referencing relationships use @DocumentReference 1- look at mongodb reference relationships and do some research
  3. Create class
  4. Requests against an API are done with REST and the urls 1- Use @RestController and @RequestMapping()

7. Pulling Data from DB

1. Needed: a service class and a repository class
	In RestApis are multiple Layers
	   Controller: Get Request and give a Response
	   Service: use repository and talks to DB
	   Repository: Access-Layer to DB and get Data back
  1. In Service Class all the possible Services gets implemented (eg. get all movies, get a movie by id, and so on)
  2. In Repository class just the MongoRepository-Class wie Movie and ObjectId gets extended
  3. get Data by some other filed than ObjectID --> Do not reveal this to public By defining the string "Optional findMovieByImdb(String imdbId);" in the repository-class MongoDB finds everything to get the requested movie

8. Adding a review

  1. taking new mongo template
  2. using update movie with new review
  3. push the new review to the repository

Create a new Review Controller


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