This game is part of the Udacity Project for the completion of the Froned Web Development Nanodegree. The game is developed using HTML, CSS and Pure JavaScript.
There are enemy bugs crossing the screen at varying speeds, a player standing at the bottom of the screen (green grass area) waiting to cross to the top (blue water area).
Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the player left, right, up or down to successfully cross the screen from the green grass area to the top water blue area without colliding with the enemy bugs. Once there is a collision beteen the enemy bugs and the player, the player is moved to the starting point to start again.
Upon successful crossing, the player gets a weldone message, and is returned to start again at another level. But if the player collides with the enemy bugs 5 times, it is game over.
Visit the link click on the green button (labeled Clone or Download ) at the top right corner of the screen to download a zipped folder of the entire application or copy a clone link. Once you get the folder on a local system, Unzip the folder and double click to run the index.html file.
AS A part of the guide to developing the game, i consulted:
- Mentors on the Udacity Classroom
- Fellow course mates
- provided the logic for collision detection
- helped me understand the logic behind the game
- helped me understand the game engine.
- Micah Yunana Bala