A basic mongodb native driver which works with promises instead of callbacks.
var driver = require("mongo-driver");
name: /^a/i //compare field name when starts with "a"
fields: {
name: 1,
age: 1,
occupation: 1
Starts the connection with database and returns a mongo database class instance.
connection string ("mongodb://host:port/dbname"
- promise of db object instance of mongo database class.
var driver = require("mongo-driver");
//do operations with db...
it find one or many records according with a criteria and fields definition
- collection string collection name
- query object key/value pair where key is field, and value is the criteria for search
- options object key/value pair which can contain:
- fields object key/value pair where key is field and value can be 1|true or 0|false
- limit number rows limit for querying
- skip number offset, this says from where it is going to retrieve rows.
- sort array array of arrays, where ['field', 'asc'|'desc'].
- promise of [document] array of documents that match with query
name: /john/i
fields: {
name: 1,
age: 1,
occupation: 1
//items is an array of matched documents.
Fetches the first document that matches the query according with a criteria and fields definition
- collection string collection name
- query object key/value pair where key is field, and value is the criteria for search
- options object key/value pair which can contain:
- fields object key/value pair where key is field and value can be 1|true or 0|false
- limit number rows limit for querying
- skip number offset, this says from where it is going to retrieve rows.
- sort array array of arrays, where ['field', 'asc'|'desc'].
- promise of [document] that match with query or null if there's no match
name: /john/i
fields: {
name: 1,
age: 1,
occupation: 1
//item is the first object of matched documents.
return number of documents that a query matches
- collection string collection name
- query object key/value pair where key is field, and value is the criteria for search
- options object key/value pair which can contain:
- fields object key/value pair where key is field and value can be 1|true or 0|false
- limit number rows limit for querying
- skip number offset, this says from where it is going to retrieve rows.
- sort array array of arrays, where ['field', 'asc'|'desc'].
- promise of [int] count of documents matched by query
"client", {name: /john/i}, { fields: { name: 1, age: 1} } ).then(
//count of matched documents.
inserts a mongo document, this maps with mongo-native driver insert, but with a promise.
- collection string collection name
- docs document|[document] document or array of documents that will be inserted
- promise of [object] an array of inserted documents
title: "nodejs 101",
authors: ["Some node guru"]
//docs is an array of documents that were inserted but with the generated _id.
//or insert an array of books
title: "nodejs 101",
authors: ["Some node guru"]
title: "ruby on rails with turbo",
authors: ["some fancy", "dev"]
//docs is an array of documents that were inserted but with the generated _id.
updates one document according with query
- collection string collection name
- query object key/value pair where key is field name and value is the criteria
- body object key/value pair where key is field name note: if you not provide $set: {}, body will override current document body.
- options object key/value pair which can contain:
- w number write concern (most used value=1), check mongo db doc.
- multi bool if just one or many documents were be updated
- promise of count number the number of updated records.
title: "The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"
"$set": {
authors: ["Douglas Adams", "Eoin Colfer"]
multi: true
//the number of records updated
It updates many documents matching with query. mongo values multi:true and $set: body are forced so body won't override documents but only will change specified fields
- collection string collection name
- query object key/value pair where key is name of the field and value is the criteria for search
- body object key/value pair where key is name of the field
- promise of count number the number of updated records
title: /o\'reilly/i
category: "Software"
//the number of records updated
Saves a document. If _id is provided in document body, then document is updated, otherwise, it is inserted. It maps to mongo-native driver function, but with a promise.
- collecction string collection name
- document object the document body. (it can have _id)
- promise of nrModified number | object
Returns promise of 0 if document was not modified. Returns promise of 1 if document was modified Returns promise of document object if document was inserted
//saving a non existing document
title: "Javascript 101",
authors: ["java ninja dev"]
//saving an existing document
_id: ObjectId("5384b969e9e034da154e67fa"),
title: "jQuery for newbies",
author: "some jQuery guru"
// number of modified records (0 or 1)
for save one document, it forces document param to have _id. it overrides existing document body for new one.
- collection string collection name
- document object key/value pair where key is field name, it must have _id field.
- promise of document object returns the same document it was delivered
_id: ObjectId("5384b969e9e034da154e67fa"),
title: "jQuery for newbies",
author: "some jQuery guru"
//doc is the document that was provided
for save one document, it forces document param to have _id. it only replaces provided fields for existing document.
- collection string collection name
- document object key/value pair where key is field name, it must have _id field.
- promise of updateResult
_id: ObjectId("5384b969e9e034da154e67fa"),
category: "software development"
it removes a single document from database, _id must be provided
- collection string collection name
- document object key/value pair where key is field name, it must have _id field.
- promise of count number (1 if record was removed)
_id: ObjectId("5384b969e9e034da154e67fa")
//count equals 1 if document was removed
it removes all documents that match with query
- collection string collection name
- query object key/value pair where key is the field name, and value is the criteria for search
- promise of count number number of records that were removed from database
//remove just one document (same as removeSingle)
_id: ObjectId("5384b969e9e034da154e67fa")
//count equals 1 if document was removed
//remove many records, the ones that match with category criteria
category: "Programming"
//count is the name of documents that were removed