A REST server which processes image requests with PoseNet, and it replies with keypoints detected. You can also use the server to open a video streaming channel to provide tracking online estimations using YOLO along with the DeepSORT algorithm.
We recommend using the command-line utility npm to install the dependencies listed in the package.json file. You can install the dependencies running:
npm install
The server starts listening by default in port defined by the environment variable PORT. If no environment variable is set up then the server starts listening on port 3000. You can change this parameter in the file bin/www.js.
We use the Express framework for the development of the REST server in Node.js. To start the services you can run:
npm start
The server will start listening for requests and all services will be ready. It will also set up TensorFlow.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.
This repository contains the code for a package from the Mercury infrastructure. If you want to know more about Mercury check out the Mercury Organization.