Releases: Menithal/Blender-Metaverse-Addon
New FST features, Fixed Scene Export with Empties
- Script field for absolute / relative avatar scripts
- AnimGrap Json field for absolute / relative avatar animation overrides
- Scene Export issue when scene had empties.
Make Human Fixes
- #16 @roxanneskelly 's MakeHuman fixes.
- Removed Subsurf modifiers
- Eyeblink blendshape shape
- Foot rotation issues fixed
- Some Cleanup
1.0.3: Added better armature warning
- Fixed uuid generation for filenames
- Added Warning for having no armatures
- Added Warning for having too many armatures
New Bone Tools and First iteration of Makehuman
Added Bone Merge tools: Allows you to merge bones in edit mode to last selected
Added Warning Notifications when you many have too many bones
Removed Leaf bones from fbx export to lessen amount of Bones exported
Added Success Notification when Avatar is exported successfully
Added Roxie's Make Human Converter (Requires Hifi Skeleton from make human)
First Release
Massive Update
Code Refactor
Split High Fidelity tools to 3 categories:
Armature Tools
Avatar Converters
Material Tools
Added utility tools:
Set Bone Physical - (Armature Edit mode only) Adds a prefix to selected bones for Scripts in High fidelity for physical simulation
Remove Bone Physical - (Armature Edit mode only) Removes prefix from selected bones for Scripts in High fidelity for physical simulation
Make All Fullbright - Sets ALL materials fullbright
Make All Shadeless - Sets ALL materials shadeless - Will not work for avatars, however.
Textures To PNG - Converts ALL images used in the blend file to png. You must save first
Textures To Mask - Converts ALL Opaque images into Masks, avoiding z sort issues with avatars
Removed Apply repose
Added new Converters:
Avatar Converters
MMD Avatar - Translates and fixes MMD models and their materials for them to work in High Fidelity.
Mixamo Avatar - Translates and fixes mixamo models and their materials for them to work in High Fidelity
Added new Export option
File > Export > Hifi Avatar FST: Exports Avatar, applies necessary steps for avatar to work in High Fifelity.
Supports Embedded textures: Exports Textures embedded to file
Supports Selected Only: Exports Selected only
Experimental Oven Feature: Experimental feature to Compress Avatar and its Textures: Only settable if you have set the path under User Settings > Addon > HiFi Blender Add-on
See read me for more details
Release 0.6.4: Added Error Messages
- Added Error Messages when pressing magic buttons and not having a valid target selected (armature)
- Fixed Error Messages for Exporting a scene without setting ATP or url override
Release 0.6.3
- Fixed Some issues regarding Armature rotating on its own (Order of operations issue)
- Added “Test Pose” button above the “Fix Avatar” button that allows you to check what the rest pose may look like with the current weights
Release 0.6:
Release 0.6:
- Direction of armature is now correct
- Removed unused bones from template (Specifically Ends of Feet)
Armature Retargeting
( will not work with shapekeyd avatars just yet)
"Retarget Avatar Pose / Fix Avatar" Magic Button - Button that does the following steps:
- Retargets and reapplies Armature pose to the T-Pose
- Iterates through each bone
- Make sure each bone pose rotation matches the world rotation of the modified reference skeleton (mannequin)
- Iterates through each child of the armature
- Applies Armature modifier to set new pose as the mesh pose as is (part where shapekeys avatars will fail)
- Makes a new Armature modifier pointing to the armature
- Applies current pose as rest pose
- Iterates through each bone
- Applies Transforms to Armature
- Sets scale to 100
- Sets rotation to -90
- Applies transforms to Armature
- Sets Armature scale to 0.01
- Sets Rotation to 90
- Iterates through Each child of the armature
- Sets Scale to 100
- Applies Transforms to child
- Sets Scale to 0.01
- Ready for Export/ Blendshapes
- Retargets and reapplies Armature pose to the T-Pose
Added Add Hifi Armature to Add > Armature > Add Hifi Armature